Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We need to talk about Dean Martin

Magnus Edlund

Hey pallies, likes lately seems the ol' web has been burstin' with Dino-devotion of the internationale sort, and we are burstin' with delight in findin' more and more pallies all 'round the Dino-universe makin' our Dino the topic of their 'puter patter!  Likes today we find ourselves at the Swedish spot "Piroutte - Science fiction, fantasy and general nörderier - since 2007" where Stockholm blogger Mr. Magnus Edlund holds forth.

Mr. Edlund immediately draws us into his Dino-centric post usin' the Dino-declarative tag, "We need to talk about Dean Martin."  As youse will read below, Magnus' motivation for his passionate prose  is our Dino's  huge huge croon, "That's Amore."  Usin' what we suspect is Edlund's tongue in cheek humor, he pokes fun at the Dino-lyrics "When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that's amore" in Magnus' words....  "It's a completely incomprehensible, tangled metaphor that does not work on any level."

Edlund argues two different  scenarios dependin' on whether our not we are "sympathetic" to our great man's lyrics....and of course finds both "interpretations" wantin' and advises, "Whatever it is careless and sloppy science dictates. It is time that we reconsider Dean Martin and boycotting his madness!"

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Magnus Edlund for playfully makin' our Dino the subject of prosin' helpin', we are certain, many many of his readership to turn on to our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-diggin' DMP

We need to talk about Dean Martin

September 21, 2014 
When Dean Martin in 1953 sang "When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that's amore" in the song  That's Amore,  what the hell did he do? It's a completely incomprehensible, tangled metaphor that does not work on any level.
If we interpret the Dean a little sympathetic and assume he with "When the moon hits your eye" mean "When you see the moon", the next part of the text helkonstig. Has he never seen a pizza in his life, Dean? Because if you have a pizza in front of him, so it is undoubtedly larger than the largest super moon - so far it is understood that you are at 5-10 feet away from the pizza. Furthermore, one may wonder if our dear butter singers often munched completely white pizzas. Maybe it was all white pizzas in the 50s? I actually have no track of it, and a quick Google gives no answers, but if there is any mathistoriker out there so it may well write a line in the comments.
If we do not interpret Dean sympathetic so we must question his intelligence, or at least his knowledge of the solar system's condition, because he stands there and brazenly spreading false facts. It is extremely unlikely, if not impossible, that the moon would physically meet one's eye. 1953 moon landing was far in the future, and films like  Armageddon  and  Deep Impact had not yet been released in theaters, so the notion of contact between human / celestial body was not as common as today. Dean also seems to have no track of the moon's size and mass, if he believes that the experience to get it in the eye is somehow going to compare with a piece of pizza. A pizza in the eye might scribble down and hurts a little; a moon in the eye probably obliterates all human life on earth.
So where, then, is "That's Amore"? How is love's essence? According to the above, there are two interpretations: Either love to see a white (moldy?) Pizza at 10 meters, or is that the moon crashes into the earth and wipes out all life.
Whatever it is careless and sloppy science dictates. It is time that we reconsider Dean Martin and boycotting his madness!

Vi måste prata om Dean Martin

21 september 2014 
När Dean Martin 1953 sjöng ”When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that’s amore” i låten That’s amore, vad fan menade han då? Det är ju en helt obegriplig, trasslig, metafor som inte funkar på något plan.
Om vi tolkar Dean lite välvilligt och antar att han med ”When the moon hits your eye” menar ”När du ser månen” så blir nästa led i texten helkonstig. Har han aldrig sett en pizza i hela sitt liv, Dean? För om man har en pizza framför sig, så är den utan tvekan större än den största supermåne – så till vida det inte är underförstått att man befinner sig på 5-10 meters avstånd från pizzan. Vidare kan man undra om vår käre smörsångare ofta käkat helt vita pizzor. Kanske var alla pizzor vita på 50-talet? Jag har faktiskt ingen koll på det och en snabb googling ger inga svar, men om det finns någon mathistoriker där ute så får den gärna skriva en rad i kommentarerna.
Om vi inte tolkar Dean välvilligt så måste vi ifrågasätta hans intelligens, eller i alla fall hans kunskap om solsystemets beskaffenhet, för då står han där och helt fräckt sprider falska fakta. Det är ytterst osannolikt, för att inte säga omöjligt, att månen fysiskt skulle träffa ens öga. 1953 låg månlandningen långt i framtiden, och filmer som Armageddon och Deep impact hade ännu inte gått upp på biograferna, så föreställningen om kontakt mellan människa/himlakropp var inte lika vanliga som idag. Dean verkar dessutom inte ha någon koll på månens storlek och massa, om han tror att upplevelsen att få den i ögat på något sätt skulle gå att jämföra med en pizzabit. En pizza i ögat kanske kladdar ner och svider lite; en måne i ögat utplånar troligen allt mänskligt liv på jorden.
Så var är det då som är ”that’s amore”? Hur är kärlekens innersta väsen? Enligt ovan så finns det två tolkningar: Antingen är kärlek som att se en vit (möglig?) pizza på 10 meters håll, eller så är den som att månen kraschar in i jorden och utplånar allt liv.
Oavsett vad så är det slarvig vetenskap och slarvigt diktat. Det är dags att vi omvärderar Dean Martin och bojkottar hans galenskaper!


  1. That's just silly. Everyone knows the song is about being giddy-crazy-illogical when you're in love. It's not a literal comparison of the moon to pizza. It's that you are so full of love, you are absurd. I mean, in the next verse, the stars are making you drool.

    One thing is certain: Dean knew how to sing about love.

  2. Hahaha!!! Love it! Good, clean fun! Dean Had NO problemo laughin' at himself! We ALL should take that lesson!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss Gayle Carline, how great to hear from you 'gain. How is our friend Benny Needles these days.
    As we said in our patter, we think that this Swede is writin' this very tongue in cheek. But, thanks so much for comin' to the defense of our Dino and certainly you speaketh the Dino-truth when you sez, "One thing is certain: Dean knew how to sing about love." Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o glads you digs this too, and as usual we 'grees with you 1000 Dino-percent! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
