Thursday, September 04, 2014

“Showmanship is a dying art that I learned from watching Dean Martin on TV when I was a kid,”

Hey pallies, likes one thin' we can't ever ever gets 'nough of is sharin' other talented entertainers who powerfully point to our Dino as their role model and mentor.  Case in point is Mr. Paul Thorn who  released his most recent musical al-b-um tagged "Too Blessed To Be Stressed."

In an post from the musical blog Jamband News tagged  "Paul Thorn readies ‘Too Blessed to Be Stressed’ album for August 19 release," Thorn speeks so beautifully boldly of how our most beloved Dino incredibly influenced his own croonin' career sayin', "  “Showmanship is a dying art that I learned from watching Dean Martin on TV when I was a kid.”   Likes what a thrill it brings to our hearts when we learn of 'nother entertainer pallie who has modeled their work after the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.

And, likes as we were prepartin' to post this wonderful bit of Dino-homage, we thoughts that we recalled sharin' more Dino-honorin' devotion from Mr. Thorn in the past.  A quick search of ilovedinomartin discovered an even more powerful post that we shared here on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 tagged "Paul Thorn on Growing up with a Pimp and a Preacher, Dean Martin, and Boxing."  Likes youse just might wanna checks that out as well.

We here at ilovedinomartin wishes Mr. Paul Thorn the best with his new musical release and thanks him for continuin' to powerfully proclaim the immense influence that our Dino has had on his own career.  And, likes thanks to the pallies at Jamband News for sharin' Paul's Dino-testimony.  To checks out the full prose, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-awed, DMP

Paul Thorn on Growing up with a Pimp and a Preacher, Dean Martin, and Boxing

Nonetheless, Thorn possessed the ability to charm audiences right from the start. Not only with his music, but with the stories he tells from the stage. “Showmanship is a dying art that I learned from watching Dean Martin on TV when I was a kid,” Thorn explains. “He could tell little jokes and then deliver a serious song, then make you laugh again. And he would look into the camera like he was looking right at you through the TV. That’s what I want to do — make people feel like I’m talking directly to them.”


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, that is simply the deepest and purest Dino-truth! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
