Monday, September 08, 2014

Over a thousand pictures of our Dino!

Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes what fantatic Dino-treasure we have uncovered for all youse Dino-addicts this very Dino-day.  We have been groovin' on the marvelously massive number of Dino-images over at our pallie Franky M.'s Pinterest pad, "Saint Dino, Play with Us."  We coulda simply gaze on all this Dino-glory for hours and hours and hours!

Well, in the middle of all that great Dino-pictorial-devotion we came 'cross this most coolest of cool collage of pixs of our King of Cool.  In his note Franky proudly proclaims, "Looks like my room way back when. Over a thousand pictures of him -- I counted :)"  Image that pallies...likes this musta be the most massive montage of our Dino ever.

We gotta 'fess up that we are in AWE, in AWE pallies of the deepest, purest, and truest devotion the pallie who put this collage together musta have.  What an absolutely awesome and amazin' way  this Dino-phile has of showin' their hugest of huge homage to our most most beloved Dino!  We certainly woulda loves to know who originated this extraordinary effort in Dino-adulation.

We 'gain salute our Dino-holic pallie Franky M. for all efforts in the cause of Dino!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Standin' in Awe of our Dino, DMP

Looks like my room way back when. Over a thousand pictures of him -- I counted :)

Looks like my room way back when. Over a thousand pictures of him -- I counted :)


  1. You've got a great collection, man. Congratulations. Cheers.

  2. Wonderful!

    I guess that I'm going to have to create a Pinterest account.

  3. Hey pallie, likes cool to hear from you Marcos. Glads you dig the Dino-collection. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes indeed Miss AOW, I have been spendin' more time at Pinterest checkin' out all the Dino-action! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
