Friday, September 19, 2014

Josh Homme reveals that he is a fan of Dean Martin


Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-scribin's likes combines two of our most fav of fav thin's to share here at our humble little Dino-blog: (1)  Other extraordinary  entertainers for whom our most beloved Dino is there most beloved role model, and (2) Dino-devotion that is internationale in scope.  Likes we were thrilled to be doin' our usual 'mount of google Dino-blog searchin' when we came 'cross the headline, "Josh Homme speaks to the 'State' and reveals that he is a fan of Dean Martin."

This report comes  from Sao Paulo, Brazil's ESTADAO online news source.  In an interview conducted by Jotable Medeiros.  Homme is the founder and lead singer of the American Rock Band "Queens Of The Stone Age" which will be doing a concert gig in Sao Paulo on September 25th.

 Interviewer Jotable had caught  a previous gig of "Queens" at the Rock in Rio Lisboa, and quired Homme 'bout singin' the Dino-croon, "Memories Are Made Of This."  In his answer to said question, Josh proclaimed his huge huge fandom of our King of Cool.  Likes how absolutely awesome is it dudes that superstar rockster Josh Homme proclaims our Dino as idol and role model?!?!?!?!

Below is the Dino-focused Q & A with Homme's deep, pure, and true declaration of devotion to our Dino.  To checks out the entire interview, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram,  ilovedinomartin salutes both rocker Josh Homme and scriber Jotable Medeiros for lettin' the larger Dino-world know this most remarkable revelation of revere of our most beloved Dino.  Dino-psyched, DMP

 O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-dean-martin,1561191O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-dean-martin,1561191O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-dean-martin,1561191O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-dean-martin,1561191O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-dean-martin,1561191O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-

Josh Homme speaks to the 'State' and reveals that he is a fan of Dean Martin.

You sang there Memories are Made of This, Dean Martin's success.   What kind of connection is with that group of friends who made music, the Rat Pack?

Among them all, I really liked Dean Martin in particular.  I'm a huge fan of his way to sing, voice.   He always sang smiling, drinking, always encouraging friends to go to the fun, the joy.   Every morning I wake up and my car caught in traffic.   I think about how cool it was that lesson from Dean Martin, this conception of what is good for life.
O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-dean-martin,1561191
O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:,josh-homme-fala-ao-estado-e-revela-que-e-fa-de-dean-martin,1561191

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