Saturday, September 13, 2014

Dean Martin on the set of The Wrecking Crew, 1968.

Hey pallies, likes the ol' net is just burstin' at the seams with  more and more marvelous mighty images of our most beloved Dino!  In doin' our usual 20 pages of google blog search Dino-searchin', just moments 'go came 'cross this absolutely awesome candid of our Dino snapped in 1968 on the set of Helmer numero quartre, "the Wrecking Crew."  Likes we just couldn't wait even one more minute before we shared it will all youse Dino-addicts!

Here is our King of Cool, impeccably, iconically groomed in suit and tie, ever present Kent cigarette in hand gazin' into space....makin' us deeply ponder what our most beloved Dino is thinkin' 'bout.
Likes this is simply 'nother provocative pose of our magnificant man, and 'gain spurs us on to crave more and more yet-unseen-to-us Dino-poses.  We likes gotta thinks that there musta still be trillions and trillions of yet-to-be-discovered incredible images of our Dino yet to be uncovered!

This particular pose was discovered at at the pad tagged, which you can find by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-post.  It appears that it also has appeared at Tumblr among other pix sites.
Hats off to whatever pallie first discovered this Dino-image and gots in on the web!  Dino-delightedly, DMP


  1. Love this candid shot! Probably just ponderin' life...or maybe havin' a scotch on the rocks! Hahaha!!! Either way...that's our pal!

  2. What a great looking photo - a wonderful find!

    Thanks for posting another winning moment of Dino from yesteryear!

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we thinks perhaps he was doin' a bit of both. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty just wonderin' if you are acquainted with our Dino as hipster swingin' spyster in the quartet of Matt Helm flicks?
