Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Scotty's Sharin:Dean Martin Entertaining 1958

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Hey pallies, likes one of our most most faithfully-devoted-to-Dino pallies Scotty, the truest of true Dino-holic, is a dude that we tries to stay up-to-Dino-date with as he is not only likes a huge huge supporter of our humble little Dino-blog, but the coolest of the cool poster of Dino-honorin' homages over at his way cool personal blog, "BlueisKewl."

Scotty posted the followin' swankly suave image of our most beloved Dino 'bout a week ago, and likes somehow, someway we missed it until just a few moments ago.  So, likes even though we have made one Dino-postin' this very Dino-day, we simply simply couldn't wait to share this latest contribution to the Dino-cause by our Dino-psyched devotee Scotty.

Likes we can't remember ever seenin' this particular Dino-pose before, and likes we simply gotta say that we digs it likes to the max Dino-degree.  Our Dino pausin' while entertainin' a crowd in 1958 to take a deep puff on his ever present cigarette.  Gotta wonder if by this time our King of Cool had made Kent cigarettes his smoke of choice.

ilovedinomartin salutes our Dino-addicted pallie Scotty at "BlueisKewl" for continuin' to keeps the Dino-light glowin' Dino-bright at his blog pad, certainly helpin' many many of his massive readership growin' in their adulation of our great great man!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-devotedly, DMP

Dean Martin Entertaining 1958



  1. Thank you so much for your very kind words and my continued hunt for Dino history.

    I was not able to find out any more info on this picture of our beloved Dino in concert but still posted this Dino moment.

    I am a bit behind in checking out the latest and greatest Dino posting on your amazing blog but hope to read them later this week.

    Keep up your very hard work ilovedinomartin !

    Have a safe and happy week to everyone.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, we thanks youse ever so much for your most kind words of Dino-appreciato as's pallies like you that make our work here at ilovedinomartin such a pure Dino-pleasure! Keeps lovin', keeps postin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Thank you Danny G!

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

