Friday, August 08, 2014

Martin and Lewis Double Feature!

Hey pallies, likes the weekend is comin' and likes, likes we thought perhaps, just perhaps all youse Dino-philes might enjoy viewin' a couple of Dino and Jerry big screen classics in between all your summer fun activities.  From the blog "MOVIES CENTRAL," from a palllie tagged Max first comes that Dino and Jerry 1952  funster flickster "Sailor Beware."

And, then as a added bonus, likes added was the 1955 Martin and Lewis epic comedic craziness of "Your Never Too Young."  Likes don't know why for sure that the Martin and Lewis DVDs were taken outta release, but likes how cool of Max to post these two great great big screen Dino-efforts....and we can views 'em here or at youtube.  When we have a few, we will have to check out and see if youtube has more of the Dino and Jerry films for viewin'.

To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Max for gettin' this Dino-gems into wider release, sure to help more and more new pallies gets likes into the total total Dino-groove!   Dino-diggin', DMP

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Sailor Beware 1952 Complete Movie

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis   Sailor Beware 1952   Complete Movie


  1. I was not able to view these two movies this weekend but hope to find some time in the future. They look very good!

    What can i say - thanks for your hard work bringing everyone these golden nuggets week after week.

    Have a safe and happy week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty dude, we're guessin' that these 2 fab Dino and Jerry capers will remain on youtube for a while...knows you will digs 'em when you have the op to view 'em. Thanks for all your kind words of Dino-appreciato! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino. Hopes to see more Dino-action at your coolest of cool blog real real Dino-soon!
