Monday, August 11, 2014

I decoupaged the label on an old Dean Martin record...

Hey pallies, likes welcome back for 'nother week of Dino-devotion here at our humble little  blog of deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino.  Likes today we shares with you how a lady tagged Rhonda Morrell has used her creativity to create a Dino-decorative piece of functional furniture.

From the blog, "SPANKY LUVS VINTAGE - vintage lover collector and dreamer,"  Miss Morrell shares how she took an "old beat up floor lamp at a thrift store" and turned in it's a one-of-a-kind piece of Dino-artistic funky furniture find!  Likes all the details are below....and likes we celebrate this most unique way of homagin' our Dino....somethin' pallies just likes us coulda do ourselves.  Makes us wanna go right out thrift store shoppin' to see what we would find on the cheap to turn into a piece of Dino-art for our own Dino-pad.

ilovedinomartin salutes Miss Rhonda Morrell for sharin' this greatest of great Dino-idear with her readership which will truly inspire many many of us Dino-holics to turnin' used pieces of furniture into true works of Dino-art!  To checks out the whole post in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

When I saw this old beat up floor lamp at a thrift store I had something kind of funky in mind.
I decoupaged the label on an old Dean Martin record...found a lamp shade in my stash and green paint to match one of the colors on the record label.....


  1. VERY Dino-creative indeed!!! Very cool! If it was up to WHOLE house would be Dino-inspired! Hahaha!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes we couldn't 'gree with you more..."If it was up to WHOLE house would be Dino-inspired!" Keeps lovin' keeps collectin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Clever idea for a lamp!

    Best part of all: this plays homage to our Dino.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, likes it is the total total Dino-truth..."Best part of all: this plays homage to our Dino." Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
