Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dean Martin monologue about reunion with Jerry Lewis on the 1976 MDA Telephon

Hey pallies, likes we were just doin' a bit of researchin' for more information 'bout the remarkable reunion between our most beloved Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis, we were so so Dino-led to the followin' youtube clip of an audio recordin' of our Dino patterin' in Chicago in 1977 at the Sabre Room with Mr. Frank Sinatra.

Our Dino is as cool, hip, and randy as ever, simply beau-ti-ful pallies, beau-ti-ful, and Dino lets his appreciate audience in on the details of how Mr. Sinatra got him and  Mr. Lewis back together after 20 years durin' the 1976 Labor Day MDA Telethon from 'Vegas baby 'Vegas.

ilovedinomartin thanks a youtube pallie tagged "andnowitspython" for sharin' this for the larger Dino-world for our Dino-edification.  Dino-rememberin', DMP

Dean Martin monologue about reunion with Jerry Lewis on the 1976 MDA Telephon 

From 'A Swingin' Night at the Sabre Room' with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, 1977.


  1. It was wonderful to listen to Dean and how Frank helped pull off the reunion of the century. Dean has a great way to tell a story and make it entertaining!

    Thank you for bringing this great story to life once again.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty dude, likes couldn't 'gree with you one tells a story likes our Dino. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
