Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Tribute

Hey pallies, likes it was just a few 'go that we remembered those most important back-to-back dates of Dino-history, July 24, 1956, the day that our Dino walked away from his decade long partnership with Mr. Jerry Lewis, and July 25, 1946, the day that our Dino and Mr. Lewis began their journey to fame and fortune together.

While doin' our usual 20 pages of google blog Dino-searchin' we happened upon a bit of internationale Dino and Jerry devotion from the Portuguese blog, "Sulinha Cidad3 - Jornal Cidad3 Imprensa Livre. Sulinha.  The blogger there has created a sorta short, but very sweet homage to Martin and Lewis simply tagged, "Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Tribute."

The post is honorin' that glorious day in Dino-history, July 25 when our most beloved Dino and his funniest of funny partner Mr. Jerry Lewis united in fun.  There is a wondrously wonderful vid clip trib with great moments from the Martin and Lewis flicks and the Colgates, bringin' back many a smile to our faces.  And, we also gets a great publicity photo of Dino and Jerry, and a copy of covers from those amazin' Dino and Jerry comics.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the Portuguese pallie who pulled this all together in devotion to our Dino and his bestest of best partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  We continue to be thrilled beyond words to find pallies all over the globe diggin' our Dino and sharin' their Dino-passion with others!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

 Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Tribute

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Tribute

1946 - Dean Martin e Jerry Lewis se apresentam pela primeira vez como dupla no Club 500, em Atlantic City.

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