Sunday, August 03, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes"

Welcome back, Ol' Pals o' mine! I gots us a FREAKY COOL vid for today's Serenade! It's DEF I NATE LY a classic...DEF I NATE LY a golden oldie...but man o man...IT IS FREAKY!!! Hahaha! I gots to admit pals...I was a wee bit hesitant to use this particular vid for this great great jam, "Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes". I didn't want to give the CREEPS to any of my dear dear pallies! Haha!!! But...after watchin' a few times...I decided that it was actually pretty funny & was just 'nother example of how Dean is STILL poppin' up EVERYWHERE, even in this "tech-savvy" world we lives in today!  So pals, let's get a little freaky! Let's take a little break from the norm. Now don't get TOO caught up in just the vid...the tune is TRULY some great great early Dino & is TRULY a fun fun jam!!! Here youse go pals...hopes youse digs!!!


Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Don't let the moon break your heart
The love blooms at night in the daylight it dies
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Oh keep your heart for me for someday I'll return and you know you're the only one I'll ever love

Too many nights
Too many stars
Too many moons to change your mind
If I'm gone too long don't forget where you belong
When the stars come out remember you are mine

Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Don't let the moon break your heart
The love blooms at night in the daylight it dies
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Oh keep your heart for me for someday I'll return and you know you're the only one I'll ever love

Too many miles
Too many days
Too many nights to be alone
Ah please keep your heart while we are apart
Don't you linger in the moonlight when I'm gone

Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Don't let the moon break your heart
The love blooms at night in the daylight it dies
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Oh keep your heart for me for someday I'll return and you know you're the only one I'll ever love
You're the only one I'll ever love


  1. If this song doesn't get you up and moving nothing will. I love the video as well. :-)

    Thanks for getting me moving on this Sunday.

    Have a great week.


  2. Thanks Scott! Pleasure is TRULY all mine!

  3. How clever!

    I've never seen animation quite like this.

    Good find, Danny G!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we never know what sort of Dino-creativity pallies are goin' to come up with next...thanks for all your efforts in spreadin' Dino-devotion 'round ilovedinomartin! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. Luvs sharin' these Dino-finds with my pals! My pleasure!
