Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Dean Martin Moment


Hey pallies, likes it's the good ol' summertime and just as baseball games are sometimes double headers, we have a double Dino-header for all youse Dino-philes today and tomorrow.  From the blog "Soar with The Mountain Eagle - to find the beauties, memories and wonder of life!" comes a 'couple of soarin' Dino-focused posts from a down under blogger tagged Graham.  Graham is from  South Australia, Australia and he shared back-to-back photo essays of first our Dino and then our Dino and his sidekick Mr. Jerry Lewis.

"A Dean Martin Moment," posted in June at Graham's  blog a day after our most beloved Dino's day of remembrance for comin' to our planet indeed highlights the "beauties, memories and wonder of life!" Dino-style that is.  Likes we digs the quintet of Dino-poses that are both serious and funny, featurin' a variety of ages and stages in the life and times of our King of Cool.

Likes it is always always so so great to find more internationale Dino-devotion provin' that amore of our most most beloved Dino knows no bounds!  We thanks Graham for sharin' this moment of Dino-pleasure with his readership and with us!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-inspired, DMP  btw, stay tuned for part 2  on the morrrow.

A Dean Martin Moment




dean martin 876


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