Monday, July 21, 2014

Here they are...Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes we gonna takes a wee break from all those glorious Dino-creative Dino-inspirin' posters to shares with youse more glorious Dino-creativity from our pallie Geronimo over at his pad at "ONESIXTHWARRIORS.COM."  Geronimo is the coolest of cool Dino-holic that has created the coolest of cool Dino-figure along with some of our most beloved Dino's most beloved pallies.

Likes we truly truly tries to stay on top of Geronimo's Dino-activity, but likes somehow, some way we missed his most recent Dino-devotion...some fabulous poses of our Dino with Mr. Frank Sinatra.  Geronimo has simply done 'nother swankly stellar job of homagin' our great great man with his great great pallie Mr. Sinatra.

Geronimo wonders whether we prefer the more serious or "smilin'" Dino, and likes we gotta 'fess up that whiles we digs both Dino-figures, the more serious Dino does it for us a bit more then the "smilin'" even though we truly truly loves our Dino's beau-ti-ful grin!

Likes 'gain, ilovedinomartin salutes our Dino-devoted pallie Geronimo and his mostest of mostest Dino-creativity!  Today's Dino-gram is part of a larger post that Geronimo created also accentin' more Mr. Sinatra poses and also Mr. Sinatra in "Von Ryans Express."   So to checks out Geronimo's total creativity, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-diggin', DMP

Here they are...Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin

Well, it doesn't get much better than this...sit back, relax, and don't forget your swizzle stick...

"That's pod-d-d!!!"

Here are some alternative pics with a "smiling Dino" sculpt. I'm trying to figure out which Dino sculpt looks better (smiling Dino, or Dino), with Frank. Any thoughts?


"That's pod-d-d!!!"

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