Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Hey pallies, likes here's some possible welcome news for Dino-holics everywhere.  From the blog pad " - The leader in fringe cinema" comes Dino-news scribed by blogger Mr.  Christopher Coffel of the new DVD release of the Martin and Lewis classic "At War With The Army."

Likes pallies youse all will remember that  this was the first big screen effort that starred our most beloved Dino and his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis.  The duo had had featured roles in "My Friend Irma" and "Irma Goes West," but "At War With The Army" was "Their First Feature Starring Together."  And, likes further youse Dino-philes will also remember that this is the flick that slipped into public domain status, and has remained there, meaning all sorts of folks have released it first on VHS and then on DVD.

Well, likes I don't knows 'bout all youse dudes, but our copy of this flick is not first quality, so we are cautiously optimistic that this new released billed as bein' "RESTORED IN HIGH DEFINITION" will offer all us addicted to Dino pallies the oportunity to see this historic flick in a much more enjoyable edition.
As you will note below the release date is July 29 from the pallies at Starburst:  A Film Chest Restored Version.  The price is moderate at less then fourteen dollars.  Don't know 'bout all youse, but we are willin' to bite at this to gets our hands on a better quality DVD.

ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Christopher Coffel for makin' us all aware of this up-comin' release.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-sharin', DMP


At War With The Army
Headline: Restored in High Definition
Starburst:  A Film Chest Restored Version
Format: DVD
SKU: FC-502
UPC: 874757050294
SRP: $13.98
Street Date: 7/29/2014
Pre-Book: 7/8/2014
Discs: 1
Box Lot: 30
Run Time: 93 minutes
Studio:  Film Chest
Color/B&W: B&W
Aspect ratio: 4X3
Year Prod:  1950
Rating: NR
Genre: Comedy, Musical, Romance
Actor(s): Dean Martin; Jerry Lewis; Polly Bergen, Mike Killen
Director: Hal Walker
Bonus:  Closed Caption

Synopsis:  :  At War With the Army follows Alvin Corwin (Jerry Lewis), the low man on the totem pole, who goes from one mishap to another at an Army training camp in World War II with his friend 1st Sgt. Vic Puccinelli (Dean Martin). This was Martin & Lewis’ first starring feature and the early beginnings of their career together, which would last until 1956. As was typical in future Martin & Lewis features, At War With The Army portrays Martin as the higher level Sergeant ladies’ man with the crooner’s voice, while Lewis plays the bumbling Private First Class. While realizing that the Army wasn’t everything they hoped it would be, it did allow the charm of Martin and the antics of Lewis to shine through brightly. Martin & Lewis were the hottest act in America during the early 1950s, but on July 25, 1956, ten years to the day after their first official teaming, one of the most legendary splits in Hollywood history had come to pass.

Posted by Christopher Coffel at 7:11 PM

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