Friday, June 20, 2014

June 7: Happy Birthday, Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes Dino-devotion in honor of our most beloved Dino's birthday keeps floodin' in from all over the web and we here at ilovedinomartin stand ready, willin', and totally eager to keeps bringin' youse Dino-philes all the Dino-love that we can.  Today we visit with new-to-ilovedinomartin blog "" whose regular feature "Today in Old Radio History..." has accented our great great man on his great great day June 7.

Likes this homage is small on prose, but huge on praise of our Dino.  Likes we simply loves how the unknown blogger begins this post, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes was a signature song for crooner Dean Martin and it was the way he felt about people most of his life. He knew that his fans were what made him the success he became."  Indeed there is such such Dino-wisdom in these reflections!  And likes we couldn't 'gree more with how greatly our great man appreciated his great fans.

In addition to a perfect pose of our Dino, the scriber of this post has put together a marvelous mix of information on our King of Cool....indeed we woulda loves to talk with 'em 'bout the intriguin' information that they selected to share with their readership....very Dino-honorin' indeed!

ilovedinomartin salutes the blog "" for respectfully rememberin' our most beloved Dino on his day of descent to our planet and helpin' their readership grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our Dino.
Likes to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

June 7: Happy Birthday, Dean Martin

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes was a signature song for crooner Dean Martin and it was the way he felt about people most of his life. He knew that his fans were what made him the success he became.

Born in 1917 as Dino Paul Crocetti, Martin sang his way into the hearts of millions of women and his disgustingly good looks made a few men in their lives rather jealous. Dean Martin was a part of famous Rat Pack, which included notables like Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Junior, and performed 10 years of comedy movies with Jerry Lewis. Although their later years together were tumultuous, Martin had a fondness for his young co-hort in picture making.

Dean Martin performed and recorded many classic hits, such as the one mentioned above, That’s Amore and Volare. His singles were played on radio airwaves for decades and never failed to melt the hearts of young female admirers the world over. One of the swashbuckling gossips about Martin was affiliations with the Mafia, which in retrospect could be true, but never altered the psyche of his popularity. martin made have known some of the underworld namesakes, but he still stood upon his own talent. married three times, Martin had 8 children...two of which died or were killed in accidents. Dean Martin left this world in 1995 after a bout with emphysema. He gave many celebrity roasts for his friends and in the hearts of many fans he has received a final toast.

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