Sunday, June 22, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Things We Did Last Summer"

Hey pals...WELCOME TO SUMMER!!! Let the drinks be pourin' & the Dino-waves be soarin'!!! Hahaha!!!

 Man, do the seasons shoot by or what?!
 These days I'm grass mowin' & beach goin', but seems like just yesterday that I was snow blowin' & snowball throwin'!!!
 Headphones in my ears...keepin' my soul warm...with some HOT HOT Holiday-Dino jams jinglin'!!!
Truly can't believe it, pallies!

Now this might just be a slight slight break from the norm...but, thinkin' back to those wintery days just makes me appreciate these hot & hazy, fun & lazy summery days all the more!
That bein' said pals...I grabbed today's summertime Serenade from Dean's 1959, "A Winter Romance", Al b um. I know...crazy right?
Now pals... PLEASE don't thinks that I have finally flipped my Dino-lovin' wig here!!! There IS some rhyme to my reason! Some method to my madness! Some rationale to my irrationality!!! "The Things We Did Last Summer" will TRULY be remembered ALL Winter long!
I mean it pals! If we REALLY live it up...REALLY inject as much Dino-vibe into our Summer as humanly possible...we will DEF I NATE LY be warmed when these sunny beach days have passed.

 We knows how quick these HOT Summer months fly by pals...let's keep them on simmer! Have a drink! Take a dip! Soak it in pals! That's what these days are ALL 'bout! Enjoy.

The boat rides we would take
The moonlight on the lake
The way we danced and hummed our favorite song
The things we did last summer
I'll remember all winter long

The midway and the fun
The kewpie doll we won
The bell I rang to prove that I was strong
The things we did last summer
I'll remember all winter long

The early morning hike
The rented tandem bike
The lunches that we used to pack
We never could explain that sudden summer rain
The looks we got when we got back

The leaves begin to fade like promises we made
How could a love that seemed so right go wrong
The things we did last summer
I'll remember all winter long

(The early morning hike
The rented tandem bike
The lunches that we used to pack
We never could explain that sudden summer rain
The looks we got when we got back)

The leaves begin to fade like promises we made
How could a love that seemed so right go so wrong
The things that we did last summer
I'll remember all winter long 


  1. What a great tune to send us off into summer! you really set the mood Danny G.! lets keep Dino blasting and keep our vino glasses filled. Cheers to you and Dino ;)

  2. Salute Ms. Swaywithme! Couldn't agree more!!!
