Sunday, June 01, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Nobody's Baby Again"

Hey there pallies. Well, looks like it's gonna be 'nother rainy Spring day. Great. How borin'.
 Now don't get me wrong ...I don't mind the occasional April showers that brings May flowers, but man o man....It's June 1st.!!! Haha!! I'm just in one of those "rainy day" moods I guess pals.

Thinks I better dig up some "sympathy" music for today's Serenade. After all...they DO say that misery loves company.
 Man, I'm bein' a REAL downer  this week! Hahaha!
 "Nobody's Baby Again" seems to suit my mood today. "I planned every move & I tried hard to prove, that even a loser can win." Youse said it pal...if even this poor fella, whos down on his luck with the ladies, can win...well why should I be moanin' 'bout a little sprinkle?!!

 Dean ALWAYS has a way of liftin' my spirits...showin' me thins' in a different light.
 Ya know what pals??? I'm startin' to feel better already! Matter o fact...the rain let up & I'm seein' the first glimpse of sun ALL day!!!

 Looks like today's gonna be a WINNER after all!!! Thanks Ol' pal o mine!!! Youse never let me down & ALWAYS lift me up! Open the windows & let some Dino-air in's a BEA U TI FUL day out there!!! Soak it in!

People used to call me nobody's baby
Up until I met you
People used to call me nobody's baby
I was feeling so blue
When you came along my life was a song
I thought that my lonely would end
Then you went away and left me to stay
And I'm nobody's baby again

Nobody's baby again
I keep missing you more and more
Nobody's baby again
You're the one I've been living for

People used to call me nobody's baby
Til they saw me with you
Walking in a day dream
Hoping that maybe all my dreams would come true

I planned every move and I tried hard to prove
That even a loser can win
I don't have a knack
My lonely is back
And I'm nobody's baby again
Nobody's baby again
I keep missing you more and more
Nobody's baby again
You're the one I've been living for
I planned every move and I tried hard to prove
That even a loser can win
I don't have a knack
My lonely is back
Nobody's baby
Nobody's baby 


  1. What a great song to start my sunday. Thank you Danny G. for having that Dino spirit ;)

  2. What a wonderful Sunday Dino song.

    Here in New England we know all too well about spring rain. But today is a rare day, sunshine and warm weather and the song you picked is perfect for it.

    Thank you for your hard and wonderful work.

    Have safe and happy week.


  3. Back in the day when my friends were into rock-'n-roll and I was into Dean Martin, I played this song for several of my friends. They loved it! Enough of a rock song for them, I guess.

    Another Dino tune that my rock-'n-roll friends liked was this one: "Come Running Back."

  4. Thanks So So much for the Great Great comments pals!!! Glad to see we ALL ridin' that same Dino-wave!!! Hahaha!!!

    I also live in good ol' New England Scotty. Massachusetts to be exact.

  5. Hello neighbor - i live in Massachusetts as well.

    Have a great week.


  6. Haha! really is a small Dino-world pal! I'm a Worcester fella. You?

  7. I live rite on the border of Rhode Island in Plainville. It is a nice town but i am a bit worried since i live almost next to Plainridge which there turning into a limited casino. Time will tell how built up things get. lol

    Have a great week.

