Sunday, June 15, 2014

Danny G's Special Father's Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Here Comes My Baby (Back Again)"

Welcome back, ol' pals o mine!  Tell me somethin' pallies...Is it just me...or does it seems like EVERY week lately, it has been some sort of "Special" type occasion??!! Must just be that "Special" time of year!

Well...let's keep these grand occasions rollin' for today's Father's Day Serenade with a simply BEA U TI FUL little tune that I heard many many times growin' up!
My Dad's favorite of fav kinda Dino...was when Dean used that cool & laid back voice of his to cover some old style country-western jam.
"Here Comes My Baby (Back Again)" is just the kinda Country Dino-song that I wanted to share, in honor of ALL the Dino-Dads out there!

Here or gone...Our fathers helped shape us into who we are today pals! Reminds me of my great great Dad & brings such WON DER FUL memories of the man who was the FIRST to introduce me to "Country Dean". "Thanks a million Dad!" LIfe's been SO SO much BRIGHTER with Dino to help me through!  I'm hopin' this one sparks a happy memory for youse as well!
OK pallies...let's get to the music! Remember to keep Dino & Dad in mind today!

 This one goes out to the TWO best guys I can think of...My pop & Dean! Happy Father's Day!  

Here comes more tears to cry
Here comes more heartaches by
Here comes your baby once again

 Here comes old memories
 Here comes such reverie
 Here comes my baby back again
My arms they're open wide
To let more hurt inside
Here comes my baby back again
She's sorry once again
Once more I'll understand
Here comes my baby back again
My arms they're open wide
To let more hurt inside
Here comes my baby back again
She's sorry once again
Once more I'll understand
Here comes my baby back again
Here comes my baby back again


  1. Thank you Danny G.for a great seranade this sunday. he always puts a spark in my day.He really deserves tis special day to be dedicated to him.Happy Father's Day to you enjoy the day with Dino and your dad on your mind.

  2. Thank you Ms.Swaywithme! Dad & Dean are ALWAYS on my mind!

  3. Thank you Danny G for another killer post on Fathers Day! A Happy Fathers day to all.

    Keep doing what your doing - bringing us all your great work!

    Have a wonderful week!

