Sunday, May 11, 2014

Danny G's Special Mother's Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Any Man Who Loves His Mother" & "Innamorata"

Well's that VERY special time of year, once again, when we pay homage to the MOSTEST important chicalina of them all...MOM!!!

There's NO leadin' lady out there that our cool cool pal appreciated more than his Mama Crocetti...& I for one share those same feelins' for my Mama G!

For this week's EXTRA special Serenade...I've decided to play not ONE, but TWO.... EXTRA special tunes dedicated entirely to all the mama Dino-holics out there!

Course we gots to start thins' off with a great great clip from that great great Rat Pack gangster flik, "Robin & The Seven Hoods". "Any Man Who Loves His Mother" is DEF I NATE LY a perfecto fit for a special day ode to our moms!
 Secondly...I decided to play one of MY mom's fav of fav Dino jams..."Innamorata". "Nother great great "classic" to say "Thank You" to those VERY special ladies in our lives.

 So, here's to ALL the Dino-lovin' mommies out there! Doesn't matter if your a mom to 10 kiddies or mommy to 1 very special pooch...This one's for you! Happy Mother's Day!!!

Any man who loves his mother
Is man enough for me
Brightening her eyes, sending her flowers
Though it's no anniversary

Many men want fame and fortune
It's gold they love to see
But I say a man who loves his mother
Is man enough for me

Many men loves dogs and kittens and pet them constantly
Show me a man who loves his mother
As much as she wants to be
And I'll show you a man who's a lot like me

If our lips should meet Innamorata
Kiss me kiss me sweet Innamorata
Hold me close and say you're mine
With a love as warm as wine
I'm at heaven's door Innamorata
Want you more and more Innamorata
You're a symphony the very beautiful sonanta my Innamorata
Say that you're my sweetheart, my love
I'm at heaven's door Innamorata
Want you more and more Innamorata
You're a symphony the very beautiful sonanta my Innamorata
Say that you're my sweetheart, my one and only sweetheart
Say that you're my sweetheart, my love


  1. Great job Danny G. any guy who loves their mom has my heart ;)

  2. Thanks Ms. Swaywithme! Everythin' I am I owe to Mom! Glad youse liked!!!
