Friday, April 04, 2014

Tomorrow In Dino-history: April 5, 1974.

 Hey pallies, likes we've got 'nother specially stunnin'ly significant day in all of Dino-history to share with ya.  Believe it or not pallies, but tomorrow, April 5, is the fortieth anniversary of the last episode of our most beloved Dino's most beloved variety show.  It was on April 5, 1974 that the vary last episode, numero 264, of our Dino's nine year run aired on the peacock network....NBC.

When you watch these shows today the music and comedy still seems as fresh and timely....sometimes even more timely then when they first aired.....probably 'cause almost everythin' our Dino ever did was likes ahead of his times.                        

In honor of this very special anniversary of this very very special show, ilovedinomartin shares with all youse Dino-philes a few of our most fav of fav Dino-moments for our viewin' Dino-pleasure!  Dino-thrilled, DMP


  1. 40 years ago that wonderful Dino show came to an end?

    It seems like only yesterday that I tuned into the show every week -- never mind that the show was aired on a school night. My parents give me a special dispensation because they were Dino fans too.

    Dino will live forever in the hearts of those who remember and honor him.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, as always we absolutely agree with you ma'am....and might we say that you had mighty wise parents to help their daughter grow in the Dino-devotion that they shared with you. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
