Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Jerry Lewis VS Dean Martin Celebrity Death Match

Hey pallies, likes simply can't tells all you dudes how much delight discoverin' today's Dino-find has already brought to ilovedinomartin.  Likes, likes our Dino-interest was likes totally totally aroused when via google blog search we happened upon the link for   "Jerry Lewis VS Dean Martin Celebrity Death Match"....likes whata coulda that be?

Well pallies, likes upon landin' at the blog pad simply tagged,"Celebrity Videos" we discovered to our likes total total Dino-delight, that the Celebrity Death Match was none other then some dude usin' their extreme Dino-creativity to create a claymation boxin' vid with our most beloved Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis squarin' off in a boxin' match created by none other then Rat Packer Mr. Frank Sinatra.

Gotta tells you Dino-philes that viewin' our most beloved Dino and his partner Jerry in claymation is simply one of the coolest of the cool Dino-moments ever ever shared here at ilovedinomartin.  Seein' this most creative way of liftin' up and homagin' our Dino has simply brought the biggest of big Dino-buddha grins to our face and makes us so so Dino-happy.

Likes went to youtube where the vid was first posted.  All we found is that the uploader is tagged Rohan Rodrigues....likes we don't know if he is the original creator of this immense  Dino-treasure or not, but ilovedinomartin certainly wants to offer our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to whoever has offered such deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino in this way.  Sorry to say that the source we first found this  has disappeared likes before we gots this posted, so clickin' on the tag of this Dino-gram will simply send you no where!    Hopes all you Dino-holics enjoys this funnest of fun Dino-tributes as much as ilovedinomartin is.   Dino-delightedly, DMP

Jerry Lewis VS Dean Martin Celebrity Death Match–celebrity death match


  1. Hahaha!!! I 'member these when I was a young fella. They were on MTV. Never seen this one though! Great find DMP!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much for identifyin' the source of the clip....we glads you grooved on it Danny-o....keeps stayin' the coolest with our most most beloved Dino!
