Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dean Martin as Matt Helm"The Silencers" - (1966)

The Silencers (1966) Poster

Hey pallies, likes today as we here at ilovedinomartin were doin' our usual search of 20 pages of google blog entries for our most beloved Dino, we struck glorious Dino-gold when we were directed to the new-to-ilovediomartin 'net site, "Redux Flix Film Society."  The society is a pad that has pallies who upload vids for other's viewin' pleasure.

Well, likes a dude tagged "London" has shared Helmer numero uno, "The Silencers" in it's entirety for the viewin' delight of Dino-holics everywhere.  Likes alls you gotta go is clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report to goes directly to "Redux Flix Film Society" to catch the Dino-action.

We here at ilovedinomartin are always psyched to find 'nother pallie who is sharin' the Dino-wealth with the larger Dino-world.  Thanks to dudes like "London" the message of Dino-cool just keeps spreadin' farther and farther and farther all 'round the Dino-universe!  So, likes thanks you very much "London" for helpin' many more gets deeper and deeper into the Dino-groove!   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Dean Martin as Matt Helm"The Silencers" - (1966)


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