Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Are you too cool for Martin and Lewis ? Not Me !

Hey pallies, likes between all the hub bub of our recent massive massive bloggin' on our Dino as spyster Matt Helm and the Day Of The Wearin' Of The Green, we gotta 'fess up that we officially missed the 88th anniversary of our most beloved Dino's most beloved partner Jerry Lewis' birth on March 16.  Happy belated birthday Mr. Lewis!

But, likes our omission was brought to light by Mr. Robert Horvat  at his blog pad, " If it happened yesterday, it's History."  While doin' our usual, almost daily, google blog Dino-search likes we came 'cross Horvat's  extremely evocative entry  askin' the profoundly provocative quire, "Are you too cool for Martin and Lewis ? Not Me !"

And, likes so a couple of days late, we are delighted to share Horvat's trib to our Dino and the birthday boy for all your Dino-readin' pleasure.  The huge highlight of Horvat's prose is his sharin' of a moment in  history when Jerry appeared solo as the special guest on July 22, 1956 edition of  "What's My Line."  It's not a vid clip that I remember seein pallies...but very very special indeed.  And, we so so appreciate the heart-felt way Robert's commentary of the clip points out Jerry's emotions at the eminent demise of the Martin and Lewis partnership.

We are most tenderly touched by these thoughts of Horvat, " I don’t think I have ever heard or read Jerry say a bad thing about Dean. Jerry seems to have this amazing affection for Dean even towards the bitter end that we, as an audience may never truly appreciate or understand. Jerry would later add once the panel guessed who he was that 'The reason why I was doubtful in answer because Dean’s pretty funny…'"

It appears that Robert intends to share more 'bout our Dino and Jerry's years together by what he says at the end, "Please join me next time as I retell the Martin and Lewis story from the beginning. Enjoy!"  We will enjoy readin' it ourselves and passin' it on to all youse Dino-philes.

Indeed, ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Robert Horvat for remindin' us of the recent birthday of Mr. Jerry Lewis, and sharin' this very very well scribed prose on the amazin' lovin' partnership of our Dino and Jerry.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Are you too cool for Martin and Lewis ? Not Me !


The French love him, I love and those in his own country love to hate him. Many people consider him a relic of the past. Out of touch, with a big mouth and by today’s standards somewhat politically incorrect. I say give the guy a break. There are far more idiotic people in the entertainment industry and across this world that deserve to be ridiculed and criticized.

Jerry Lewis celebrates his 88th birthday this week but I will always remember him as that skinny kid, one half of the greatest comedy teams of all time.

Jerry Lewis with Dean Martin featured heavily on my television screen on a Saturday afternoon growing up. Their antics on film made me laugh as a kid until my sides burst.

For ten years from 1946 to 1956, Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin, bedazzled fans, firstly in America and later around the world. Then one day, it all came to an end. What happened ? Where did it all go so wrong, after years of being so right ? For years the two maestros would not comment on their split nor consider a reunion. In time, in this new series we will rediscover the joy that they gave millions and uncover a few of the commonly held reasons for their break up.

On 22nd July 1956 Jerry Lewis appeared on ‘What’s My Line’ to promote Martin and Lewis’ next to last motion picture release ‘Pardners’. The anguish on his face at losing his best friend and partner is evident in the clip I have linked below. He is asked by a panel of four people (blindfolded) a series of questions, so they can ascertain who’s the special guest. Jerry is usually almost always accompanied by Dean in promoting their pictures, however Dean through spite, anger or resentment had stopped promoting with Jerry towards the end of their professional career, leaving Jerry to appear on ‘What’s My Line” alone. 1956 was a horrible year for the two of them and a long drawn out ‘death’ would come 3 days after the ‘What’s My Line’ show at the Copacabana in Manhattan, New York.

During the show, Jerry is asked “Do you work alone ?”. Through loud cheers and laughter, Jerry’s angst is evident as he answers “No.” Unfortunately, Jerry knew deep down that this wasn’t  going to be true anymore. The next question may as well have been delivered with a loaded gun to his heart “Are you about to work alone ?” If there was ever a moment that you wished that you could disappear, it was probably then for Jerry as he answers “Yes”. With the panel sensing who their special guest was, he is finally asked “Are you the funniest one of the two ?” Jerry doesn’t  know how to answer the question and the host (moderator) next to him answers the question on his behalf. I don’t think I have ever heard or read Jerry say a bad thing about Dean. Jerry seems to have this amazing affection for Dean even towards the bitter end that we, as an audience may never truly appreciate or understand. Jerry would later add once the panel guessed who he was that “The reason why I was doubtful in answer because Dean’s pretty funny…”

And so the end of a beautiful partnership drew to a close in July 1956. Most people had hoped (back then) that it wasn’t  true, which was most evident when the host spoke on the behalf of the panel and audience by saying that “…we have got to hope that Pardners as a picture title means that you and Dean aren’t really gonna break up and that you will stay together..”

Please join me next time as I retell the Martin and Lewis story from the beginning. Enjoy!

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