Monday, February 03, 2014

MORE: John "Duke" Wayne and Dean Martin in "Rio Bravo"..!

Hey pallies, likes in this month of Dino-amore, we will tries our very very best here at ilovedinomartin to shares  mucho amore from our Dino as well as we continue to shared the many and varied way people of all types and stripes, all ages and stages show the deepest of deep affection for our most beloved Dino through their postin's on the ol' world wide web.

Today, we are simply simply delighted to return to our Dino-diggin' Dino-figure-creatin' pallie "Geronimo" at "ONESIXTHWARRIORS.COM."  As he so often does, he has added some more poses of our Dino as the Dude and the Duke as Sheriff John T. Chance in the bestest of best Dino-western ever, "Rio Bravo."  Below are two more great pics that Geronimo has shot usin' his creativity to capture the big screen Dino-epic.  Likes we just wishes that we had such ability to homage our Dino in this way, 'cause likes we totally totally craves havin' our own set of figures to retell that Dino-story.

Indeed, it is just so marvelous to find such huge diversity in the magnificent ways that our Dino each and every Dino-day is amored by his most devoted pallies.  Likes 'gain we salute our Dino-addicted pallie Geronimo for helpin' others grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our Dino in this most unique Dino-way!
To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-lovin', DMP

Here are a few more pics:


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