Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I've got a feeling that Matt Helm will be part of the near future!

Hey pallies, likes it's the 26th day of Dino-amore-month and likes, likes dudes we are in total total Dino-rapture.  Likes after viewin' our greatest of great pallie Geronimo's latest Dino-poses over at "ONESIXWARRIOR.COM".....the ones of our most beloved Dino as the "Dude" in "Rio Bravo" with liquid libation in hand, likes as Geronimo said, "Here are a few more pics with Dean doing what he likes to do....!," I left Geronimo some patter suggestin' that he just might consider makin' a figure of our Dino as the coolest of cool spyster Matt Helm.

Well, likes when I checked back with Geronimo yester-Dino-day, I found that he had indeed done this most marvelous of marvelous Dino-deed, and the first Dino-pose of our great great man as Helm is featured below, with Geronimo's proud promise that there will be "More to come on Dino as secret agent Matt Helm soon."   Well, likes gotta tells all youse Dino-philes that we certainly will be waitin' with bated breath for more poses of our Dino as secret swingin' agent  Helm!!!!!

Below is our original patter to Geronimo, with his response, his first Dino-pose, and his powerful promise of more to come.   We hear at ilovedinomartin truly truly can't find the words to praise our Dino-devoted pallie Geronimo 'nough his most special of special way of homagin' our King of Cool.  To checks this all out in it's original format, simply simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-psyched likes to the max, DMP

 Hey pallie, likes man-o-man dude, what awesome poses of our most beloved Dino as the Dude enjoyin' himself some liquid libations! What a totally totally swank way of showin' your devotion to Dino! Likes knows that your efforts are 'gain be spread on the pages of ilovedinomartin for all the pallies gathered 'round dem parts to dig. Likes have you ever thought of creatin' a Matt Helm Dino-figure? Now, that would be likes pod for sure!

I've got a feeling that Matt Helm will be part of the near future!

More to come on Dino as secret agent Matt Helm soon...

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