Friday, February 28, 2014

Dean Martin & Angie Dickinson on the set of Rio Bravo 1959

Hey pallies, likes as we conclude our very very special month of Dino-amore here at ilovedinomartin we are privileged to return to the home pad of one of our most Dino-devoted pallies, Scotty, at his coolest of cool blog "BlueisKewl."   Dino-holic Scotty periodically posts pixs of our Dino as his main way of homagin' our main man.  Likes we tries to checks back with Scotty often to check out his Dino-devotion, but somehow, someway we sadly overlooked his Dino-honorin' post early in Dino-amore-month, February 6.

Likes we wants to rectify that situation this very Dino-day sharin' with you an extremely extremely evocative pose of our most beloved Dino, on the set of his bestest of best screen performance as the Dude in "Rio Bravo."  Likes in the pose below our amorin' Dino is lookin' so so longin'ly at co-star Miss Angie Dickinson,
Likes if photographs coulda talks, we woulda loves to know what our Dino was a thinkin' as this provocative pose was snapped!

What a fabulous find our pallie Scotty has found for us and likes what a great way of endin' our special special month of amore to our Dino with this most lovin' pix from the set of "Rio Bravo."  ilovedinomartin sends out our lovin' regards to our Dino-diggin' pallie Scotty at "BlueisKewl" and thanks him ever so Dino-much for his on-goin' devotion to our most most beloved Dino.  Thanks pallie for sharin' your passion for our King of Cool with your readership dude!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of these here Dino-thoughts.  Dino-awed, DMP

Dean Martin & Angie Dickinson
on the set of Rio Bravo 1959


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