Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year 2014! The Dino-Cool Migration of the 20th Century

Happy New Year fellow Dino-Blog followers! May this blog be the first you read this year, and Dino's voice be the first you hear!
After a small hiatus from putting thoughts to paper for THE GREATEST DINO BLOG ON THE INTERNET, I'm happy to be be back.
I'd like the thank Dino Brother Dean Martin Peters for allowing me to be part of this experience, side by side with Brother Danny-G, spreading the Dino-word, in the greatest gathering place to-be!
Starting this month I start what I plan on being a monthly post. First o'the month, every month, Baby.
So heres to a Happy New Year, a safe New Year, and Dino-New Year to you and yours!

 The Dino-Cool Migration of the 20th Century

A many great events have shaped this county of ours. 18th century tea parties, rushing for gold in the 19th century. However the largest undocumented event is an event known among Dino-Philes as the Dino-Cool Migration of the 20th Century. The ilovedinomartin blog would like to take this time to bring this event to masses. This pivotal moment in history has had a terrific cascading effect that is still felt today. We will visit such cool advancements on future blog posts.
To get things started, we have a reading from the Book of Dino, by Nick Tosches. He summarizes what current Dino-Scholars refer to as, The Dino-Cool Migration of the 20th Century.

A reading from the Book of Dino.
Chapter 4, page 59, paragraph 4.

A letter from Tosches to the Dinozens. 
"Dean followed Santa Monica Boulevard one drizzly afternoon into Hollywood. He stood by himself outside the gates of Paramount Studios on Marathon Street.  He saw Francis Dee walk past. And that was it. The Paramount lot was vast. Hollywood Cemetery, whose grounds and Paramount's ran together, was even bigger."

This Has Been A Reading From The Book Of Dino.

Prequels to many great events often occur unnoticed, and the sequences however random, are clear as vodka in hindsight. Every great invasion prerequisite is a great pre-cognizant mission. Like Caligula before him, Dino devises an unorthodox invasion of his own. Hollywood, a broad, begging to be moistened by Dino-Cool. He knows this song, knows the lyrics. This Hollywood dame, in bed, out the door, see you baby. Verse, chorus, bridge, repeat.

"All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know."
-Alexis Carrel

Dino hears the sounds of violins, long before, it begins.
Manifest destiny. The expansion of Dino across the nation to the great left-coast. Physics, cold flows without resistance. Dino-cool flows without resistance, east to west.
The gait of Dino, the migration, effortless.  Seeded in Steubenville, blossomed in Atlantic City, fermented in Hollywood. L.A., a place to build a home, fill a pool, hang a hat, stock a bar, golf some golf, make a movie or 40, sing gold records, have a TV show, be a millionaire, create an empire of Cool, and call it a life. All without breaking a sweat, Baby.
The Golden Boy with the golden voice followed the golden sun west to the golden state of California. Suckled the tit of the Golden state Dino walked away with a mouthful of golden sweet honey. On a pile of gold, he sat on a throne of gold, wearing his golden crown. Dino, The King Of Cool, pally.


  1. Man o man Ed...those are some TRULY deep, pure & inspirational words for the Dino-masses! Keep em' comin' pal! Loved it!!!

  2. Thank You Brother Danny!
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. Hey pallie, likes what an awesome start Brother Ed to what is gonna be the bestest of best reflections on the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.....helpin' Dino-holics of all types and stripes growin' in their Dino-knowledge and the ability to apply these Dino-principles to their lives as devotees of our most most beloved Dino! Can't wait for the next installment of Dino-truth! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
