Sunday, January 19, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Turn To Me"

Hey hey pals! Found us a fun fun "Dean bein' Dean" vid for today's Serenade! "Turn To Me" is such a great great jam when youse feelin' a little bit blue pallies.

We ALL have hard times once in a while. Days when the world in on your shoulders & youse just can't seem to get out from under that dark dark cloud. Well pallies...I think I can help! Or should I say...I KNOWS that Dino CAN help!
Just watchin this vid lifts my spirits so so high pals...It gives me a BRIGHT burst of sunshine on even the mostest dreery of days!

 Listen to the words that Dean is preachin' pals! He's talkin' right to youse! ANYTIME...Night or Day...Dean's only a push of the button away!

So pallies just remember...whenever you feel that life's got you down...Dino will ALWAYS be around! Always.

If ever you need warmth and affection
Love and protection turn to me
If ever you want someone who's tender
Darling, remember turn to me.

Whenever you find that life's got you down I'll be around
Any time night or day I'm only your phone call away
I waited for you a half of my lifetime but I'll wait a lifetime
If that's how it must be till you turn to me.

(If ever you need warmth and affection
Love and protection) turn to me
(If ever you want someone who's tender
Darling, remember) turn to me.

Whenever you find that life's got you down I'll be around
Any time night or day I'm only your phone call away
I waited for you a half of my lifetime but I'll wait a lifetime
If that's how it must be till you turn to me...


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, our Dino has such fun with this number...bringin' the hugest of huge Dino-buddha-grin to my face. And, likes even 'though our Dino makes likes so funny with this croon...indeed it is likes the absolute absolute Dino-truth that we can always always turn to our Dino for guidance and direction for our lives! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!

  2. Youse speeketh TRUE words of Dino-wisdom pal o mine!
