Thursday, December 12, 2013

How can you NOT love Dean Martin?

Hey pallies, likes what a total delight it is to find so so many folks proclaimin' their deepest of deep delight to be listenin' to Dino-wintery croons as their fav of fav seasonal songs!  Today we takes you to the nicely taged blog, "NANNYPOLOGY," where, you guessed it dudes, Nanny Miss Erica hangs her hat.  And, you guessed it pallies, Miss Erica is delighted by songs of the season proclaimin' in the title of her post, "I Freaking LOVE Christmas Music!"

And, likes Miss Erica not only loves Christmas music, in particular she loves our most beloved Dino's seasonal croons, and more in particular she loves our Dino's stunnin' ver-si-on of "Let It Snow" as her most fav of fav  wintery tunes!  Erica proudly proclaims...."I am a sucker for the classics and this is the definition of a classic Christmas song! How can you NOT love Dean Martin? This makes me feel the most warm and fuzzy of all."

ilovedinomartin salutes nanny Miss Erica for makin' the Dino-seasonal croon of "Let It Snow" as her numero uno choice for her wintery listenin' pleasure.  To checks out this whole post in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

 I Freaking LOVE Christmas Music!

2 December 2013, 8:31 pm

Imagine that… I went straight from a Turkey Day post to a Christmas post! I. Love. Christmas!

Specifically, I love Christmas music. Yup, I am one of those weirdos who looks forward to the sleigh bells ring-a-ling and ching-ching-ching-a-ling too. I love the radio stations that start playing it the day after Thanksgiving and I love my ‘Let in Snow’ Pandora station.

For all of you bah-humbuggers, you might want to stop reading right now. This might get cheery.

Today, I busted out the Christmas itunes mix during our weekly (ok fine, daily) dance party. The 4-year-old went with it for a bit, but after our spirited ‘Jingle Bells’ rendition wound down she seemed puzzled. I could see her little wheels turning for almost all of ‘Winter Wonderland’ until finally after glancing at the window where remnants of ghost decorations still remain:

“ERICA! It’s totally not Christmas!”

Break my heart kiddo, you’re one of them!

“I know, but there’s no such thing as ‘Thanksgiving songs’, right?” I joyfully replied.

“I guess… but you’re kinda jumping the gun…”

Oh the things kid say. Obvi I ignored her cause I freaking love my jingles. Ain’t nobody stopping my jingles!

My pal Jen loves Christmas music too, and that just adds to the pile of reasons I love that chick! She is hosting a Christmas party (kinda… aka Twisted Mixtape!) as we speak and I cannot resist the urge to sing Christmas Carols. Here we go! My top 5!

 1. Let it Snow, Dean Martin

I am a sucker for the classics and this is the definition of a classic Christmas song! How can you NOT love Dean Martin? This makes me feel the most warm and fuzzy of all. (Also reminds me of a dear friend, Love you Jac!)


  1. Truly one of my Wintery favs as well! As a matter of fact...I was ponderin' usin' this classic as this week's Serenade! O well...there are many many AWESOME Dino-croons to choose from! Back top the ol' Dino-drawin' board! hahaha!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes problemo in my Dino-book if the Serenade simply reinforces 'nother Dino-gram here at our humble little Dino-home, but likes you sez, "there are many many AWESOME Dino-croons to choose from...." Keeps lovin' and sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
