Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Dino-eve Pallies!

Hey pallies, likes our days of celebratin' Dino-winter-month are drawin' to a close, and likes we find ourselves at Dino-eve....out with the old year and in with the new!   Below are two delightful pixs of our Dino and Jerry as Father Time and the babe-in-arms. It likes seems hard to believe that these here pixs were shot to celebrate the comin' of 1952....61-count-em-61 years ago!

How fun to see our most beloved Dino decked out as Father Time...lookin' so wonderfully wise with his long flowin' robe and sickle...and Jerry dressed us as a new born ready to toot his horn....indeed the boys are certainly type cast!   ilovedinomartin wishes all you pallies a swingin' and safe New Year's Eve and the bestest of best New Years!

Keeps checkin' in at ilovedinomartin for more of that great great Dino-action in the comin' year, and likes dudes  be sures to stop by tomorrow to check out a new new series of posts from our swingin'est of swingin' Dino-holic Ed and his amazin'est of amazin' Dino-reflection reports, "Ed's Epistle."

And,  likes most of all all your Dino-philes, likes  KEEPS LOVIN' OUR MOST MOST BELOVED DINO! Dino-celebratin', DMP

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