Friday, December 20, 2013

..... Dean Martin's scotch-soaked 1960s take on his Christmas album sealed the deal.

Hey pallies, likes by now the entire Dino-universe is celebratin' that our great great man's great great wintery croon, "Let It Snow" is the numero uno seasonal selection of 2013.  And, Dino-holics likes youse and us are simply enthralled and enraptured by this bestest of best Dino-news!!!!!!  Well, likes even before this amazin' news broke a pallie tagged "hallcommajon" blogged his devotion to this particular Dino-tune at the blog "College Humor."

Likes all we coulda discover 'bout Mr. "hallcommajon" is that he describes himself as " a short man who enjoys reading funny things."  Well this dude musta also enjoys scribin' funny thin's as well, 'cause his patter of Dino-devotion for our Dino's croonin' 'bout snowin' is very very fun indeed dudes!  We here at ilovedinomartin simply simply grooves on "hallcommajon"'s Dino-reflection....".......... Dean Martin's scotch-soaked 1960s take on his Christmas album sealed the deal."

So pallies, likes how cool  pallies  likes  in this Dino-winter-month to be able to share with youse 'nother pallies diggin' of the numero uno winter croon of 2013.....our most beloved Dino's magnificent ver-si-on of  "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow."  We salute Mr. "hallcommajon" and all the pallies at "College Humor" for honorin' our most honorable Dino in this way.  As usual, to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-wintery, DMP


Oh, man! Don't you just feel all Christmas-y listening to that? Can't you just see the tree and the lights and the presents? Wait . . . Those things aren't in the song? In fact, there's nothing at all about Christmas in there? Nope. This lovely song is purely and simply about staying in and boning on a cold night. We'll admit that's a hell of a good plan, but it's not (necessarily) a Christmas plan.

Songwriters Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne were suffering through the 1945 L.A. heat wave while wearing 1940s men's fashions. To take their minds off the lung-shriveling heat, the two decided to write a song about winter. They swapped stories about being stranded by snowy weather, which to their heat-crazed minds had begun to seem like a beautiful idyll rather than the uncomfortable pain in the ass anyone who has lived through it knows it to be. They eventually developed the idea of a song about two lovers being snowed in together because nothing can't be improved with a little hubba-hubba. The song was released just after Thanksgiving. It kept selling long after Christmas, well into February, which makes sense, seeing as how it's a much more appropriate Valentine's Day song than Christmas song. However, by the 1950s, the song was firmly associated with Christmas, and Dean Martin's scotch-soaked 1960s take on his Christmas album sealed the deal.

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