Monday, December 02, 2013

Anyway Christmas just taint Christmas without a little Dean Martin I say.

Hey pallies, likes as we begin our march to Dino-winter-day know that we hear at our humble little Dino-home  will be sharin' with all you Dino-philes the best Dino-winter focused Dino-devotion that we can.  We'll be sharin' some cool idears for giftin' others with Dino-treasure (many at a moderate price), some great Dino-seasonal pixs, other bloggers Dino-winter focused posts, and of course those fab-u-lous Dino-wintery croons!

We begin with some Dino-love from the blog "lovelyseasonscomeandgo" where the blogger in their post, "Day Sixteen: Christmas Music Favorites Count Down!" have accented our most beloved Dino with one of his most most beloved Dino-seasonal croons...."Baby It's Cold Outside."  When this was posted on November 25 of this year of our Dino, it was already "Day Sixteen" so this chick musta really be into wintery thin' for sure, we knows that she is really into our Dino, as she sez, "  But as a young girl I was partial to Dean Martin. I just loved his deep voice and when he sings this song the sky just lights up…LOL!"

We salute this unknown devotee of our Dino and thanks her for spreadin' some Dino-seasonal cheer at her blog "lovelyseasonscomeandgo."  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-devotion.  Dino-seasonally yours, DMP

Day Sixteen: Christmas Music Favorites Count Down!

English: A Christmas Tree at Home
English: A Christmas Tree at Home (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Baby its cold outside
….it’s up to my knees out there
Baby… you’ll freeze out there……
Those were a few of our favorite lines of this tune. I remember how one of my older sisters and I used to have fun while singing this song. Why we would be prancing around, dancing, posing, gesturing trying to act like Doris Day and we were having a ball laughing while singing this song around holiday time.
According to my sister Doris Day sung it the best. Well she just loved Doris Day on any day. But as a young girl I was partial to Dean Martin. I just loved his deep voice and when he sings this song the sky just lights up…LOL! My sister asked me why I liked Dean Martin so much and my answer was that he is “suave vay” and while I know there is no such word in the dictionary….us young girls were known for creating our own vocabulary words to describe charming males. But of course mama warned that good looks are deceiving….oh well…mama took every opportunity to teach us.
Anyway Christmas just taint Christmas without a little Dean Martin I say.
Dino: Italian Love Songs
Dino: Italian Love Songs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dean Martin
“Baby its cold outside”


  1. Our Dino's version of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" is the best one ever. So sexy! What woman could resist our Dino's pleas as made in that song?

  2. Hey pallie, likes as usual Miss AOW, likes couldn't 'gree more with you ma'am. Our Dino is so so hot in this coolest of cool Dino-seasonal croons! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
