Friday, November 15, 2013

"I love youth. The oldest thing on my show is my scotch!”

Hey pallies, likes as we were doin' a bit of research to see what we might discover 'bout Mr. R.C. Baker, the superb scriber of yesterday's Dino-prose, "Yukking in the 70s: Dean Martin Roasted Celebrities as He Got Fried," we typed his tag and that of our Dino's into the good ol' google search engine and we were directed to a particular page of Mr. Baker's web pad (

What we discovered there was some art and prose from Baker's "work in progress....and Nixon's coming" which R.C. states "combines art, fiction, and design to create a multifaceted narrative that arcs from the Moscow show trials of 1937 to President Nixon’s resignation in 1974."  And, likes the coolest of the cool thin' 'bout this profoundly provocative work of coolest creativity is that in the fourth part  tagged "What? My Lai," Baker has chosen to use an exquisitely evocative quotation by our most beloved Dino to introduce this part of his narrative.

This seems perfect proof that R.C. is indeed someone who gets Martin and obviouly appreciates his life, times, and teachin's.  And, likes the quote is one that we never ever remember  hearin' before, but as usual offers wonderful wise words of worldly wisdom.  We are guessin' that these thoughts were shared by our Dino sometime durin' the runnin' of the Dino-show on network peacock.

Dino states as only our Dino can, “The Golddiggers will go far because they are talented and believe in
themselves, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have them around. I love youth. The oldest thing on my show is my scotch!”

While these Dino-thoughts were designed, we are certain, to gets a laugh, they none-the-less speak volumes 'bout our Dino's deepest devotion to youth.  As youse Dino-holics will recall, when our Dino was thinkin' 'bout establishin' the Dean Martin Country Club, he spoke boldly of his love of youth.
Our great man in an interview, expressed these great thoughts, "We're looking for young people on the go.....the accent is going to be on youth."

How cool of Mr. Baker to include this coolest of cool Dino-quotation in his artistic efforts...and we indeed salute him for it.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-devotion.
Dino-desirin', DMP

What? My Lai?

“The Golddiggers will go far because they are talented and believe in
themselves, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have them
around. I love youth. The oldest thing on my show is my scotch!”
—Dean Martin

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