Thursday, November 07, 2013

For the *hic* eight-year-old Dino, perhaps *hic*.

Hey pallies, likes this is likes totally totally rad dudes!   After just comin' off a Dino-high of a trio of Dino-honorin' posts puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino as Role Model extraordinare, comes this funnest of fun post from the blog, "blog into mystery - Celebrating the Best and Worst in Comics" where a dude tagged Jared M. this ultra ubber cool post tagged "Unleash your inner Dean Martin with 1940s Charm-Glo decorative cut-outs."

What Jared has shared is a '40's comic book advert that features "Charm-Glo Decorative Cut-outs" that kiddos could send for and attach to their ceilin's and walls to make their bedrooms so so cool.  As Mr. M points out, most of cut-outs are likes very very child friendly, but likes one of the sets "Party In Vegas" is likes so so Dino-friendly if youse knows what we means.

Jared, while not directly proclaimin' our Dino as par excellent role model does indeed connect the "Party In Vegas" cut-outs with our King of Cool...and likes how cool is that....encouragin' youngens to "unleash your inner Dean Martin" and  proclaimin' these swingin' decorations are "For the *hic* eight-year-old Dino, perhaps *hic*."

Likes sure wishes that we woulda have such Dino-decorations to hugely homage our Dino at a tender age when we first were welcomed into the Dino-world!   Hats off to Mr. Jared M. for liftin' up the name of our Dino in this coolest of cool Dino-devotional way!  To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-prose.   Dino-delightedly, DMP

Unleash your inner Dean Martin with 1940s Charm-Glo decorative cut-outs
NOVEMBER 3, 2013
Slapping glow-in-the-dark cutouts on your walls and ceilings is something for children, and that’s apparent from most of the selections you see in this ad: animals, stars and planets, fairy tales, etc. And then you come to the “Party in Vegas” assortment, with a dancing girl, dice, playing card symbols, a stein and an icy cool glass of alcohol.  


  1. In the misty moonlight, I write you to say hello and to send you a letter... a letter to Dino from my friend Francisco Machuca ;)

    I hope you're having a nice weekend. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Kinezoe dude, likew what a absolutely awesome Dino-epistle from your pallie Francisco Machuca...likes knows it will be featured this very day at ilovedinomartin! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! And, likes thanks 'gain for this wonderful homage to our wonderful man!
