Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dean Martin Smokes a Cigarette while Having Lunch Inside His Dressing Room

Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin,  through the magic of google blog search, continues our recent series of accentin' cool cool Dino-poses.  Likes many of these shots have previously been shared before on the pages of ilovedinomartin, but often, today bein' a case in point, we have new info to share with the classic Dino-image.

From the annals of new-to-ilovedinomartin blog "lomography comes one of the most familiar of familiar pixs of our Dino lookin' oh so Italiano, smokin' a cigarette, and seemin' to be listenin' to music and keepin the beat with his arms raised in the air.  But from scriber "chooolss," we discover that the photo was shot by " renowned celebrity photographer Sid Avery in 1961 inside Martin’s dressing room."  

And chick "chooolss" sez....  "If you’ll look closely, the Hollywood star was having a meal of egg, muffin, and martini!"    As frostin' on the cake "chooolss" continues...."Martin, according to Avery, “was a ‘joy’ to work with."  Likes it is alway always so so special to hear some 'specially lovin' lines spoken 'bout our most beloved Dino.

Likes gotta 'fess up that ilovedinomartin will never ever look at this Dino-image the same 'gain....likes we will pay much more attentionado to everythin' in the pix and will remember photographer Sid Avery's lovin' homage to the joy of workin' with our King of Cool.

To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.   Dino-joyfully, DMP

Dean Martin Smokes a Cigarette while Having Lunch Inside His Dressing Room

With a photo like this, we can only imagine Dean Martin dancing along to jazz music as best as he could while sitting on a couch and having lunch!

Photo by Sid Avery/ Art Press via The Daily Mail
The snapshot above was taken by renowned celebrity photographer Sid Avery in 1961 inside Martin’s dressing room. If you’ll look closely, the Hollywood star was having a meal of egg, muffin, and martini! Martin, according to Avery, “was a ‘joy’ to work with.”
All information in this article were sourced from The Daily Mail.
Like these random vintage and/or pop culture photos? Check out other stories from our Overly Descriptive TitleToday in History, andThrowback Thursday series in the Lomography magazine!

written by chooolss

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