Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Clips from Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts: Complete Collection

Hey pallies, likes we're back for 'nother review of the  Dino-roasts that have recently been released by the folks at StarVista/ Time-Life.  Today ilovedinomartin drops in on the entertainment blog "inside pulse" where scriber Mr. Joe Corey has shared  a half dozen youtube vid clips of great great moments from the roasts.

As it happens likes these brief vid clips have been uploads by the StarVista pallies as teasers to tempt all us Dino-philes into takin' the plunge and grabbin' the Complete Collection of Dino-roasts.  Certainly this is a great idear 'specially for folks who have never ever seen the roasts before....and 'specially for those of us that are visual Dino-learners.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Joe Corey and the pallies at "inside pulse" for this unique way of spreadin' the news of the Dino-op to gets this hugest of huge Dino-dose of Dino-entertainment a la the complete set of 54 roasts.  To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.   Dino-delightedly, DMP

Disc News: Clips from Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts: Complete Collection
by Joe Corey on October 19, 2013
Back in the ’70s and early ’80s, people didn’t have to wait all year for a disappointing celebrity roast. They popped up every few weeks with Dean Martin as the host of these all-star festivities. Major stars found themselves being lovingly mocked by other major stars, politicians and Olympians. Now all 54 of these specials have been boxed up into The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts. For those of you who didn’t grew up glued to these might want to have a glimpse at the mayhem that happened at the dais inside the old MGM Grand. Here are several clips featured in the boxset.
Dean had a fine time poking future President Ronald Reagan.

Rich Little breaks down the ticks of Johnny Carson.

Rich Little teaches Jimmy Stewart how to impersonate Jimmy Stewart.

Dick Martin and Dan Rowan tease the dangerous Don Rickles.

Here’s Ruth Buzzi attacking Dan Haggerty (Grizzly Adams).

Buzzi would go on to face Muhammad Ali

The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts: Complete Collection is available exclusively from Deanroasts.com.

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