Friday, September 06, 2013

Martin and Lewis Gifs From "The Stooge"

Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up that ilovedinomartin is simply diggin' the Dino-gifs created by Miss Andrea of Canada at her tumblr Dino-gifs blog so so very very much.  So, on this day after the day that our most beloved Dino and his decade long partner Mr. Jerry Lewis reunited on the MDA Telethon in 1976, likes we can't resist sharin' some of Mr. Andrea's Dino-creations that accent our great man and his great partner.

Below are two gifs that Miss Andrea has gifted us with featurin' scenes from our Dino and  the Jer actin' in that classic Dino-dramady, "The Stooge."  Indeed, to us here at ilovedinomartin, "The Stooge" in some very real ways mirrors the partnership of our Dino and Mr. Lewis....only with a very happy endin'.  These are both great moments from the classic, but likes of course our fav is the second that comes very near the end of the film when our Dino and Jerry embrace each other with mucho affectionado.

ilovedinomartin salutes Miss Andrea for her glowin' affection for all thin's Dino and for sharin' her deep, pure, and true devotion to our King of Cool via the technological magic of  gifs at tumblr.  To check out more of her Dino-creativity, simply clicks on the tag of this  here Dino-report.  Dino-only, DMP

Martin and Lewis at The End of The Stooge (1951)

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