Friday, September 27, 2013

Dennis Winn....... developed Parkinson’s disease and now loves belting out Dean Martin tunes to help his condition.

An image related to Dean Martin whose music was used in Millennium.

Hey pallies, likes we here at ilovedinomartin have often spoken of the transforming power of our most beloved Dino, and we are thrilled this very Dino-day to share with you 'nother heart-warmin' example of the difference our great man continues to make in the life of ordinary folks likes youse and me.

From the online presence of the Brit news pad, "Hartlepool Mail," comes news of a Mr. Dennis Winn who
has struggle with the effects of Parkinson's disease for the past 15 years.  While no cure has been found for this degenerative condition, Winn has found that singin' has helped overcome some of the symptoms.

And, likes that's where our Dino comes in pallies!  As noted in the prose below, Dennis "loves belting out Dean Martin tunes to help his condition."  And , likes how Dino-rad is that dudes!  Mr. Winn, in the "soundproof karaoke studio in his home" croons Dino-tunes to fend off his Parkinson's.  And it appears that the only songs that Winn sings belong to our Dino.  Now that's what ilovedinomartin calls super cool  The music of our King of Cool is playin' a huge huge part in helpin' Mr. Dennis Winn a fuller and happier life!!!!!

ilovedinomartin is thrilled to be sharin' this human interest tale of Dino-devotion to witness to the amazin' power of our most beloved Dino.  Hats off to the folks at the "Hartlepool Mail" for bringin' this heart-warmin' Dino-tale to print and to Mr. Dennis Winn for honorin' our Dino in this way.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-remembrance.   Dino-awed, DMP

Parkinson’s suffering pensioner sets up karaoke room to help his condition.

Dennis Winn

Dennis Winn

A KARAOKE-LOVING pensioner found his singing voice after he developed Parkinson’s disease and now loves belting out Dean Martin tunes to help his condition.

Dennis Winn, 68, was diagnosed with the degenerative condition 15 years ago and has installed a soundproof karaoke studio in his home after discovering that belting out a tune helps him with his speech.

Mr Winn, who is a member of the Hartlepool & District branch of Parkinson’s UK, says having a good sense of humour and positive outlook has helped him fight back against the degenerative condition.

He has devised a series of ways to help overcome the symptoms, which include speech problems and “freezing” – which can leave him stranded in public places.

Mr Winn, from Blackhall Colliery, only discovered his love of singing after he was diagnosed.

“We were on holiday in Fuerteventura and the DJ said ‘give us a song on the karaoke’ and I was coerced into getting up.

“But I loved it and I kept singing, and sang for a fortnight on holiday. I discovered then that the more I sang, the better my speaking voice became. My voice used to tail off but it is much better through the singing.

“I have kept on singing since then and it really benefits me.”

Mr Winn also found novel ways of carrying on playing golf and last year even achieved a hole in one at Castle Eden Golf Club.

His friend Brian Davies, who also has Parkinson’s, said: “He is really quite a good singer. He sings Dean Martin songs. Before he had Parkinson’s he couldn’t sing a note but he has discovered his voice and it has really helped him.

“Dennis is living proof that you can fight back against it.”

Mr Winn added: “I have Parkinson’s but Parkinson’s doesn’t have me. I don’t do anything heroic. I simply believe in taking things back that Parkinson’s took from me.”


  1. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...the power of our Dino is likes so so transformin' Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
