Friday, September 13, 2013

Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts Standard Set

Hey pallies, likes today we open door numero tres of the smaller options for purchasin' the Dean Martin Roasts.  You will recall the least expensive way of gettin' some of the Dino-roast treasure is a single Dino-disc with three hours of highlights at a very low price.  Next in line is a set of 6 DVDs that includes 12 roasts with a selection of Dino-extras.  Both of these options will be available to the masses through numerous retail sources online and in stores and are set to release on September 24 of this very Dino-year.

And, likes ilovedinomartin has shared with you that the complete set of all 54 roasts with tons of extra Dino-treats is bein' sold directly from StarVista/Time-Life.  The original report was that this complete set woulda ship the week of September 23, but our most recent check back at the StarVista/Time-Life pad reveals that the NEW date of shippin' is now October 7.

And, in lookin' over the Dino-roast info at StarVista it came to our attention that there will indeed be even a fourth option of Dino-purchase.  Again, only sold directly from StarVista/Time-Life comes what is called the "standard" Dino-set that will contain 18 roasts on 12 DVDs with extras as well.  That brief information is below, and as usual, if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-message you will be transported to that info directly at StarVista/Time-Life.

So, likes dudes there certainly is a Dino-set for each of our economic situations, from retail as low as $12.95 to $249.95.  Likes many many of youse Dino-holics already have the previously released Dino-roasts from Gunty Renker, but for tons of new Dino-philes, this is a new new op to not only get on the Dino-roast action, but to acquire other rare Dino-extras as well.  Dino-reportin', DMP


Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts

18 Roasts on 12 DVDs

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