Sunday, September 29, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "My Heart Is An Open Book"

Hey there pallies! Man, these months are flyin' by!!! I'm watchin' leaves changin' & critters gatherin' & it's got me thinkin'...must be natures way of tellin' US to grab what WE need to keep us warm & happy durin' 'nother long cold Winter!!! Well...I know what I need to keeps me warm pals...Plenty of Dino & Plenty of Vino! Hahaha!!!

This week's Serenade, "My Heart Is An Open Book", tells us that Dean is grabbin' his woman to keep him toasty all year long. But wait!!! Seems to be some not so nice rumors goin' 'round that our bestest pal has been unfaithful to his amore. Some jealous "so & so" is spreadin' all kinds of false accusations 'bout our pal!

 Dean is tellin' it like it is pallies...let's hope that this chicalina isn't foolish 'nuff to believe all these crazy lies!!!

Now we ALL know that Dino was DEF I NATE LY an honest man & DEF I NATE LY only had ONE lady in his heart...& one on each arm & a couple hidin' in the closet & maybe a couple more on the weekends!!! Hahaha! That's my guy! Hey...what do youse expect??? After all pals...we are talkin' 'bout Dean Martin here!!! Hahaha! Just kiddin' pallies. Dino was a class act all the way! Enjoy. 

(Don't believe all those lies)
Darling, just believe your eyes
And look, look, my heart is an open book
I love nobody but you
Look, look, my heart is an open book
My love is honest and true

Some jealous so and so
Wants us to part
That's why he's telling you
That I've got a cheating heart

Don't believe all those lies
Darling, just believe your eyes
And look, look, my heart is an open book
I love nobody but you

Some jealous so and so
Wants us to part
That's why he's telling you
That I've got a cheating heart

Don't believe all those lies
Darling, just believe your eyes
And look, look, my heart is an open book
I love nobody but you, nobody but you
Nobody but you


  1. The first Dino album that I ever purchased was The Door Is Open. I was in my early teens at the time and became absolutely infatuated with this particular track.

    Those were the days!

  2. Great memory for a great song! I bet they were wonderful days indeed! Memories like that are TRULY priceless Ms. AOW!
