Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sutter is a great fan of Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes I gotta 'fess up dudes that I ain't been so excited to share a Dino-gram with youse for the longest of longest Dino-times.  Likes we all knows how much our most beloved Dino loved to put the accent on youth and how our King of Cool himself coined  the term Deanager to apply to the masses of youth in his day that dug our great man to the greatest of great Dino-extent.

Well today ilovedinomartin is thrilled to report to youse 'bout a work of fiction aimed at the Teen Scene that has the main male teenage character who is "a great fan of Dean Martin."  From the yalsc blog, "The Hub - Your Connection To Teen Reads" comes a post from Miss Diane Colson that reviews "The Spectacular Now" by Mr. Tim Tharp.  And as Miss Colson sez 'bout Tharp's main character..." Sutter Keely, the irrepressible party boy who narrates author Tim Tharp’s The Spectacular Now, is one of YA lit’s most poignant characters.  He’s good-hearted and funny- as long as he has his flask of whiskey near at hand."

So it woulda comes as no surprise dude that Sutter is a real Deanager.  Indeed Miss Diane quotes from the tome..... "As Sutter says, “The Rat Pack consisted of these ultra-suave playboy singers from back in the days before hippie bands changed everything - Dean, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. These guys knew how to party. They tore Las Vegas to pieces.” (p. 115-116).

Now pallies, likes how totally totally rad is that dudes.....the life and times of our Dino bein' lifted up in a most popular of popular of teen reads!  This is certainly guaranteed to draw many many of today's nouveau hipsters into the Dino-know and helps 'em to fall head over heels for our great great man!  And, likes besides that dudes as Miss Colson points out, "The Spectacular Now" has just been recently released as a big screen effort....and just hopin' that the flick will carry over Sutter Keely Deanger statis it it's flick form.  Likes 'cause this will awesomely spread Dino devotion far and wide and help even more to fan the flames of the Dino-revolution all the more.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Tim Tharp for bein' so cool as to hugely feature our great man in his great teen scene tome, and to Miss Diane Colson for puttin' us on to this fab Dino-news and for creatin' such a cool cool Dino-reflection includin' Dino-pix, prose, croon clip, and vid clip as well.  Words truly can not 'press the thrill of knowin' that many many more of today's youth are bein' drawn into the Dino-fold.

To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-psyched to likes the max, DMP

Jukebooks: The Spectacular Now by Tim Tharp

2013 AUGUST 21
 Sutter Keely, the irrepressible party boy who narrates author Tim Tharp’s The Spectacular Now, is one of YA lit’s most poignant characters.  He’s good-hearted and funny- as long as he has his flask of whiskey near at hand.  Sutter’s happy with his life  in the moment. He prefers not to dwell on the past or the future, a strategy that threatens to implode as Sutter nears the end of high school. A movie of The Spectacular Now was released early in August 2013.
The Spectacular Now by Tim TharpRat Pack from left - Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop
From left – Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop
Sutter is a great fan of Dean Martin, a singer/comedian/variety show host from the mid-twentieth century. Martin had a reputation as a drinker; he once had a vanity license plate “DRUNKY.” He was the epitome of Rat Pack cool, with a cocktail glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. As Sutter says, “The Rat Pack consisted of these ultra-suave playboy singers from back in the days before hippie bands changed everything - Dean, Frank SinatraSammy Davis Jr. These guys knew how to party. They tore Las Vegas to pieces.” (p. 115-116)
So here on Jukebooks we’re featuring the Dean Martin song that Sutter calls his theme song, Ain’t That a Kick in the Head, music by Jimmy Van Heusen and lyrics by Sammy Cahn.

The song most associated with Dean Martin is Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime, written in 1947 by by Sam Coslow, Irving Taylor and Ken Lane. Here is a playful rendition of that song, to get a taste of Dino’s legendary charisma.

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