Saturday, August 03, 2013

"Martin and Lewis" is an entertaining homage to the friendship between Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.

MARTIN AND LEWIS (2002)"TV Biopic about Dino and Jerry. Did you know that Jerry needed attention so bad that he’d fake a stomach-ache every time Dino made the crew laugh? Did you know Dino was a emotionless cool guy who loved no one? Did you know their comedy was about as funny as an Adam Sandler movie?"-Dick Gazelle 

 Hey pallies, likes a few weeks ago, ilovedinomartin was able to share all the youtube clips of the 202 made for television flick bio of our Dino and Jerry, "Martin and Lewis.  Likes gotta 'fess up that I still have this homage of our most beloved Dino and his partner Jerry Lewis to view, but was delighted a couple of days ago through the magic of google blog search to come 'cross a fine review of this yet to be released to DVD small screen movie.

From the pages of the Brit pad, "The Movie Scene" you will find the review below....and likes I thinks all youse Dino-philes will find likes much to appreciate 'bout the review.  It certainly makes me yearn to find the time to view it for myself.  And, likes hopes this review might just stir the pot 'nough to get this Dino-bio released for all Dino-holics to add to their collections.

ilovedinomartin salutes "The Movie Scene" for puttin' the accent on our Dino in this way.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-sharin', DMP

Likes it appears pallies, that "The Movie Scene" perhaps has objections to ilovedinomartin sharin' their information, to read the review of "Martin and Lewis" click on the title of this Dino-work.

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