Friday, August 16, 2013

.............. and wine cellar named for his idol Dean Martin............

Hey pallies, likes wonderin' if any of you dudes gotta a guess of who the  Dino-devoted pallie is that likes has their very own wine cellar tagged after our most most beloved Dino?  Likes here are a couple of clues...he is an amazin' entertainer in his own right, and he often shared his passion for our magnificent  man on his long-runnin' talk show.

Likes to see if you are correct, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message to be transported to the on-line pages of the New York Times to find a very very recent interview with this life long Dino-phile who is 'bout to begin a new small screen effort puttin' the accent on sports.

ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at google who sent a Dino-lert our way to lets us know 'bout this interview, and to the scriber of the interview, Mr. Richard Sandomir, for accentin' his report with the coolest of cool nod to our main man.


  1. If I had a wine cellar, I'd definitely name it after our Dino!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, I'll drink to that! btw did you guess who has the Dino-cellar? Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. DMP,
    I didn't try to guess.

    Mr. AOW and I are getting ready to leave for our vacation, so my brain is mush.

    I should have known the answer, though. I've long been familiar with that person's admiration for our Dino.

  4. PS: Had I bothered to guess, I might have guessed Joe Mantegna, great admirer of the Rat Pack.

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW have a wonderful time of vacatin' with Mr. AOW and be sure to bring some Dino-croons 'long with you to gets your Dino-fix. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
