Friday, July 12, 2013

I got to caddy, which is where I met Dean Martin

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Hey pallies, likes as promised dudes, here is 'nother Dino-epistle scribed by Mr. Cliff Biggers from his personal blog,  "not much of nothin' - maintaining a forty-five year tradition of commentary on things that interest me....."  Likes after findin' his most recent Dino-gram 'bout his delight in discoverin' our main man's marvelously melodious al-b-um, Dream with Dean, likes ilovedinomartin simply simply had to inquire into Biggers' past posts to see if we coulda uncover more of passion for our Dino and likes perhaps it's source.

Well dudes, ilovedinomartin did indeed find the roots of Biggers personal devotion to our Dino.  Below, from a May 13, 2007 blog post, "Saints and Poets, Maybe," where Cliff shares "Ten things I wish I had one more opportunity to share with Mom....." we find tucked in thin' numero 6, "Dean Martin Music."  And likes many many pallies, Mr. Biggers acquired his Dino-appreciato from a close family his case, his mother.

And, likes not only does Cliff share in general 'bout his mother's love of our Dino, he also shares wonderously wonderful words of the day when he has the amazin'ly awesome op to be in the immediate presence of our most beloved Dino...servin' as caddy as our King of Cool played him some golf in Biggers hometown of Rome, GA.  Likes you will also discover that Cliff's parents got to break bread with our Dino that very same day.

Now dudes, likes how great is it to hear 'nother report of an regular guy who for a brief time in space was privileged to met our amazin' Dino?!?!?!  'gain, ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Cliff Biggers and thanks him for his Dino-postin's...encouragin' Dino-holics likes all of us.  To checks this out in it's orginal format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-epistle.  Dino-awe struck, DMP

  Ten things I wish I had one more opportunity to share with Mom...

(6) Dean Martin music. Mom loved to listen to Dean Martin; I can hear her melodious voice humming and sometimes singing along to the records that we owned. She joked occasionally about being named after him--although we knew she wasn't, since she was born long before Dean Martin was a celebrity. Even so, I really think the fact that her name was Dean led her to feel a sort of affinity with him that made him a favorite of hers. We all got to meet him once, when Dean Martin, Andy Williams, and other celebrities came to Rome for a celebrity golf tournament. I got to caddy, which is where I met Dean Martin; Mom and Dad met him at a dinner that evening... a dinner I didn't get to attend, since it was for grown-ups only. I envied her, not because I really was dying to share a meal with Dean Martin, but because I thought it must be something really wonderful to meet a celebrity whose work you enjoyed so much. I remembered her joy years later, when I spent almost an hour talking to Jack Kirby; I knew then what it must have been like for Mom to spend an evening in casual conversation with her favorite singer.


  1. Awesome story! I gots to admit it...I'm envious! To be in Dean's company musta been so so impresionable on the rest of your life! Would be for me anyways! Great great story to share & I too would love to share Dean's music one more time with my Nana G. Loved this tale!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o dude, likes who in their right Dino-mind woulda gives everythin'to be in the immediate presence of the King of Cool?!?!?! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
