Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dean Martin On Drinking

Hey pallies, likes at least six Dino-days a week, likes I try to scan at least 20 pages of google blog searches for our most beloved Dino.  Some days several cool Dino-references surfaces, somedays none...and somedays....exactly one fabulous piece of Dino-devotion surfaces for our Dino-edification. Likes, well I had planned to post this bit of Dino-devotion when I first discovered it, but  am finally gettin' 'round to postin' it this much little time to shares it all.

Today's fab bit of Dino-adulation comes from the self-tagged blog, "KEEPING UP WITH JULIAN."  Who is Julian you might ask....where here are a few details direct from him...."My name is Julian.  I was born in 1986.  I like pop culture, literature, overarching quotes about life and food.. Come get fed."

And likes indeed Julian's invite to "come get fed" is 'xactly what happened at his pad on May 10th.  Julian's Dino-focused post, "Dean Martin On Drinking" that likes you can view below is a
delightful pix of our delightful Dino with his wise words on indulgin' in a bit of liquid libations.  Truly truly it qualifies as an "overarching quote about life"...and in this case drink.

Likes dudes, 'gain likes how totally swank of this  youthful twenty-somethin'  Dino-devotee to share this Dino-philosophy with his readership.  Thanks pallie Julian for puttin' the accent on our Dino in this way.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply click on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-coolly, DMP


Dean Martin on Drinking
I’m with you, girl.

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