Monday, July 15, 2013

Dean Martin Does Country

Hey pallies, likes the tags of blogs simply gets more and more interestin' and the variety of folks liftin' up the name of our most beloved Dino continues to increase exponentially!  Today ilovedinomartin turns to 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin-blog tagged "Bookworm's Book Shelf - A blog filled with a bookworm's ramblings, cats, jokes and music."

Well this pallie who is so so smitten by the written word musta also be smitten by Dino, particularly when he sings a bit country.  Their post, "Dean Martin Does Country" shares youtube vids of a trio of our great man's great county croons, "My First Country Song," "Little Old Wine Drinker Me," and, "She's A Bit Country."
Since ilovedinomartin has had a bit of an accent on our Dino's country classic, likes thoughts all you Dino-diggers woulda enjoys these remarkable recordin's of our King of Cool becomin' the King of Country!

ilovedinomartin salutes "Bookworm" for takin' some time out from readin' to share the amazin' country classic croons of our most beloved Dino.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-review.  Dino-listenin', DMP

Dean Martin Does Country

My First Country Song


Little Old Wine Drinker Me 


She's A Little Bit Country




  1. "Little ole wine drinker, me"... Love this song, man!! Some time ago I dedicated it a post in my blog. Wonderful, pallie!!

    Have a good week, my friend! See you ;)

  2. Hey pallie, likes Kinezoe dude likes how cool to hear from you man...will certainly be checkin' out your Dino-devotion. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
