Friday, July 26, 2013

Dean Martin and Politics

Hey pallies,  likes our ever devoted Dino-gal Miss AOW, has 'gain favored all us pallies with a Dino-centric post likes puttin' the accent on two of her most fav of fav topics....of our course most beloved Dino and politics.   If you goes to her blog pad, "Always On Watch" (just clicks on the link below, you will find Miss AOW daily sharin' her political perspectives with her readership....and on occasion some great devotion to our great man!

Well, likes with the "news of Detroit's recent financial woes, our pallie has written a little patter that sorta combines her two great great passions.  Below you will find Miss AOW's ruminations and a great vid clip she has located of our amazin' Dino croonin' a tune he shared a number of times of the Dino-show.....likes one of the most recent Dino-DVD collections contains the coolest of cool clips of our Dino sharin' this classic tune.

ilovedinomartin salutes our ever ever faithful Dino-gal Miss AOW  for providin' this Dino-devotion for all us Dino-holics here at ilovedinomartin.  Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!   Dino-diggin', DMP

By Always On Watch
Our Dino avoided politics — with the exception of joining his pal Frank for a few occasions. See THIS from the Library of Congress and THIS from the University of Texas. Our Dino was a wise man to avoid politics. Such a stressful topic and venue! Nevertheless, with news of Detroit's recent financial woes, our Dino's version of "Detroit City" takes on a particular contemporaneous poignancy (Bonus - a wonderful collection of photos of our Dino are included in the video):


  1. And you know what? I think that our Dino would be appalled by what has happened to Detroit recently. Our Dino did love cars -- and, according to one of the car dealers in Steubenville, even the auto industry.

    Thanks for posting my latest contribution to your excellent web site, DMP! Such a joyful place that you've got here!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, I'm sure that you are correct with that Dino-opinion. And, thanks for those ever kind Dino-remarks 'bout our humble little Dino-blog. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Great job Ms. AOW! I'm sure your guessin' is accurate 'bout Dean bein' VERY disapointed with Detroit's current situation. Let's hope a wee bit of Dino-magic will sprinkle down on this once powerful city!
