Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Birthday to The Coolest of The Cool!

Hey pallies,   it is always great to be able to feature 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin-blog who has chosen to put the accent on our most beloved Dino....'specially as we continue our series of homages to our King of Cool on The Day That Coolness Came To Earth.  Today we find ourselves at a blog tagged "Outside In," who usually puts the accent on "Asperguer's Syndrome" but also celebrates "pop culture" as well.

In their post, "Happy Birthday To The Coolest Of The Cool," blogger "yechristian" tags our Dino as a "very talented dude!  Also, a very cool dude as well!"   And, of course you ain't gonna find ilovedinomartin disagreein' with those fab  Dino-thoughts.  Below are some great pixs of our great man as well as some finely chosen vid clips of our Dino as well.

ilovedinomartin 'xpresses our happiness to blogger "yechristian" for honorin' our most beloved Dino on his day of birth with such obvious fondness for our "Coolest Of The Cool."  To checks this out in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Happy Birthday to The Coolest of 

The Cool!

Happy Birthday, Dean Martin!
The rat packer would have been celebrating his 96th today. He left us on Christmas Day 1995. Greatly missed! Very talented dude! Also, a very cool dude as well!

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