Sunday, June 09, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Nevertheless (I'm In Love With You)"


O man pals!!! With all the hype 'bout our great great pallie's great great Birthday remembrin'...& all the attention & worldwide celebratin'...I almost did the unthinkable...the unimaginable...THE UNFORGIVABLE!!! I ALMOST FORGOTS TO PUTS TOGETHER OUR SUNDAY SERENADE!!!
Now look pals...I completely understands if youse lost ALL love for me...but please...I beg youse...Don't take it out on our bestest Pal!!! All is not lost! I actually managed to find THE perfecto tune to begs youse pallies forgiveness!
"Nevertheless" has just the right kinds of feelin' behind it to lets ALL my pals know just how much these Serenades actually mean to me! They are FAR more rewardin' to me than youse could EVER possibly imagine! I TRULY consider them a pleasure & the honor is TRULY all mine! Thank you DMP! Truly the bestest host of the bestest blog on the "Net"! Well, that's 'nuff blabbin' outta me...let's get to the music! Enjoy!


Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong
Well maybe I'm weak and maybe I'm strong
But nevertheless I'm in love with you
Maybe I'll win and maybe I'll lose
Maybe I'm in for crying the blues
But nevertheless I'm in love with you
Somehow I know at a glance the terrible chances that I'm taking
Fine at the start that left with a heart that's breaking
Maybe I'll live a life of regret
And maybe I'll give so much more than I get
But nevertheless I'm in love with you
Somehow I know at a glance the terrible terrible chances I'm taking
Fine at the start but then left with a heart that's breaking
Maybe I'll live a life of regret
And maybe I'll give much more than I get
But nevertheless I'm in love with you


  1. Another great memory!

    Thanks, Danny G.

  2. You are very welcome Ms. AOW! Dean gave ALL of us many many great memories!

  3. Hey pallie, likes you are most welcome Danny-o....your deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion shines through each and every bit of Dino-patter for the Sunday Serenades. Just hopin' and wishin' that somehow sometime you will find it within you to do some regular Dino-prose as well...'specially 'bout raisin' your two prodigy in the way of how are Stel and Nicky doin' in their Dino-devotion?

  4. Well pallie, I do TRULY & GREATLY appreciates the compliment! Nick & Stel are REALLY growin' fast & their Dino-admiration shines brighter everyday! Someday they HOPEFULLY will look back at these days & remember where & when Dino came into & helped sculpt who they have become as adults!!

  5. Hey pallie, likes cool to know Danny-o that your prodigy are followin' their Daddy-o in the way of Dino! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
