Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bespectacled Birthdays: Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram makes it likes crystal clear that sometimes Dino-devotion can be very short and likes yet very very sweet!   A lady , Miss Allyn Scura who makes her livin' designin' eye wear in Sebasopol, Cali hosts a fun little blog tagged "Bespectacled Birthdays."   On June 7th, the date of our Dino's entrance onto the planet, she posted this really really cool pix of our most beloved  Dino wearin' what else....specs...circa 1960s.

Now, likes there truly truly ain't a huge number of poses of our Dino in eye wear, and if memory serves me well, most of the images that we do have are of our magnificent man latter in his magnificent life.  So, this Dino-image is a rare rare treat for pallies likes us....and what an absolutely delightful shot of our Dino....ain't he lookin' so so happy and  content?!?!?!

ilovedinomartin salutes this eye wear maven for such a unique way of homagin' our most beloved Dino on his day of days.  She has possibly set a new trend for pallies likes in all sorts of fields of endeavor to find their own unique ways of developin' devotion to our Dino.   To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin, circa 1960s



  1. DMP,
    The web site with this birthday post about our Dino is quite something and very unique.

    Great find!

  2. Hey pallie ,likes Miss AOW, I was so so delighted to be sent to this blog for such a cool Dino-homagin'...and likes I discovered that the maven there has for the last few years shared pixs of our Dino in glasses on his day of days. Likes just make have to post more of 'em here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
